Native American day? metaphor and political correctness

Today is “columbus day” and I encourage you to go to the Edutopia poll and vote whether it should be renamed Native American day – whether that is excessive political correctness – or how we should regard iI. The whole political correct question relates to comp 122 and language teaching in general because it regards the interplay between language, thinking and behavior.

That is a goal of the metaphor paper currently assigned. Examine how language reveals thought and how communication shapes the thinking of others. Sometimes it is intentional and even cheeky, sometimes it’s subconscious and sometimes it exists only in the mind of the reader – at least until they share their interpretation and then affects others, like in grad school when someone used the metaphor, “beating around the bush.” I assumed to be a hunting reference, but was surprised to hear a feminist assert a very different meaning and assumed that meaning was commonly understood. While not a popular understanding of the term, by checking the urban dictionary I see she had a point.