Secrets of other teachers.

Tweed, a blog by the Chronicle of Education, has an interesting example of teachers who should know better having no privacy settings and posting inappropriate (?) comments on Facebook.

This isn’t how I grade because a) I don’t drink beer when I grade (tho I abuse coffee), and b) every paper gets read about 3 times; however, what the third comment down says about how – by the last 10 papers – if students use the right format and write coherently – they get an “A” does resonate. I suspect it’s true of MANY teachers – and that’s why up to 10% of a paper grade goes for MLA format INCLUDING/ ESPECIALLY THE HEADING and page #’s.

If you get an “A” in my class you learn to work the academic system – how to play the college game. And format is part of the objectives for all comp classes. AND it is SO EASY!