iSearch: advice

  1. It’s never been a good sign when a writer changes topics without including research from their initial idea. It generally indicates procrastination and lack of effort. Will have to rewrite prompt to control this. Either take one of my suggestions, or show research from initial topic and
  2. 2 hours reading research is not a sincere effort. For a capstone project assigned the first day of class you should expect to spend at least 15 hours reading, and that doesn’t include time spent looking for material. Heck, we spent 3-4 hours in class finding material this semester.
  3. ALL work read should be included in your works consulted. Yes, I understand tutors may tell you that if you don’t directly cite a source it doesn’t go on your works page. That isn’t exactly true – if information is not common knowledge the source deserves to be cited. The assignment prompt asks for ALL WORK READ on a “works consulted” page.
  4. If information is common knowledge it shouldn’t go in your “what I learned” page.
  5. Citing an encyclopedia, dictionary, ehow, Wikipedia,, or is like peeing in the shower. I don’t care that you do it, but please don’t talk about it. Quoting such sources makes you look bad.