Profile Writing

Our textbook offers excellent instructions and suggestions for writing profiles, in addition to many fine examples. If one reads that material one should have no trouble with the assignment.

A profile differs from a memoir in that it is about another person. For this assignment we require that the subject of your profile be associated with JCCC and available for interview (or respond to email requests for information). This is necessary because the paper must have at least 2 examples of quoted material (be it speech, email or publication) and that all sources be listed on the works page/ bibliography at the end of the writer’s paper. All choices are up to the discretion of the instructor, and family and /or romantic partners are not allowed.

To give some ideas and expose students to some of the groups available on campus the following JCCC organizations have sent representatives to address classes in the past.

The JCCC Center for Student Involvement coordinates a host of other groups, and in the future I hope to have other groups talk to our classes.