Honors Course Contracts

Honors Contracts are one-credit hour extensions of regular JCCC classes allow you to further explore a subject in depth. Scholars in career programs (for example, nursing) may need to rely primarily on Honors Contracts; however, contracts are generally not encouraged. All contracts must extend a class you have completed previously or are enrolled in; contracts are most often submitted for a course a student has already completed. All contract submissions for a current semester are due before the deadline to drop without a W for JCCC classes (typically early Sept for fall and early Feb for spring); however, the earlier these are submitted the better for navigating course requirements. Courses will add one credit hour to your schedule – this credit hour is not eligible for the honors scholarship.

All contract submissions will need to be approved by the Honors Program director, Anne Dotter. Anne is your best point of contact for all questions related to a course contract: adotter@jccc.edu.

Here are step-by-step directions for that contract (and what happens after you submit) below:

  1. Student meets with Anne Dotter to discuss the process for submitting a course contract.
  2. Student meets with the faculty member that they would like to work with to discuss the possibility of mentorship and discuss possibilities for their project.
  3. Student submits an online form that outlines their anticipated project.
  4. Faculty mentor completes and signs the online form, adding any necessary comments. If approved, the contract is then routed to the department chair for approval and signature.
  5. Department chair signs and the contract is then routed to the Honors Director (Anne Dotter) for approval.
  6. A CRN will be created for you to enroll in your Honors Contract, 1 credit course. This should happen within a week of final approval of the contract. Be sure you register for the course once you get that CRN! Course contracts will add one credit hour to your fall schedule (and will show up as honors independent study).