Honors Student Association

What is the Honors Student Association (HSA)?

If you are a member of the Honors Program, congrats! You are also a member of the Honors Student Association! Our Honors Program does not only want to help you academically, but we also want to help you form a community at JCCC. One way to get involved with that community is through the HSA! HSA is an extracurricular club at JCCC and is a close partner of the Honors Program. (We serve as the social aspect of Honors.) Our goal is to help students get to know one another through an assortment of ways:

  • We have meetings every other week. In those meetings, we get to know one another by doing fun activities and listening to suggestions to make our organization better.
  • We have study nights! Being in honors courses can be challenging, but by coming to study nights you can work with your fellow peers to gain mastery over whatever is giving you trouble.
  • We host an array of events to give you a break from the tedious work that school can have and instead, have a fun time with friends! In HSA, not only do you just find a community, but instead, you also find a support system that you can lean on in times of difficulty and friends that will help you navigate your college life!

Explore our Get Involved page to learn more!

Meet the HSA Officer Team!

President: Kochai Ahmadullah (kahmadul@stumail.jccc.edu)

Vice President: Kristin Boeckman (kboeckma@jccc.edu)

Secretary: Britney Hernandez (bherna17@stumail.jccc.edu)

Social Media Chair: Hannah Pimentel Hayes (hpimente@stumail.jccc.edu)

Wellness Coordinator: Jessica Frieze (jfrieze2@stumail.jccc.edu)