Presentation Opportunities

Whether it be at a symposium, conference, or a convention, a public presentation will be a valuable experience. It will be an opportunity to share your work with others, build your confidence and public speaking skills, earn two points toward graduating with Honors, and maybe even add a line to your resume.

Please note that if you will be missing class for a conference, you need to notify your professors at least one week in advance. You can use the following form to do that: Link to Notice of Absence Letter – . Also note that some off-campus events may warrant travel. To participate in off-campus activities, you must complete the required online training and sign a travel authorization form. Click here for more information.

Public presentations delivered outside Honors are evaluated on a case-to-case basis. If you would like to earn honors credit through a non-honors presentation, complete and submit this form.

2022 Great Plains Honors Council Conference: Honors Ignites Action – March 18-20

The Great Plains Honors Council Conference held each spring semester is a great opportunity for you to share your knowledge with others, be inspired by fellow Honors students’ research, and network with Honors students and faculty from colleges all around Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Texas! This year, the conference will be hosted by our friends at Wichita State University. For more information, visit:

Honors Symposium – last week of April

The JCCC Honors Symposium is held each spring semester and gives students an opportunity to present a paper or project completed in fulfillment of honors requirements. The symposium is intended to provide students with presentation experience in an informal, relaxed atmosphere, and allow them to share the results of their work with friends, family, faculty, and fellow students in the Honors Program.