Get individualized attention from your professors in smaller classes.
Find support from other honors scholars who hold many intersecting identities.
Additional privileges include:
Student desktop computers, printers, and scanners in the Honors Office (COM 201). These are available at your convenience for working on class assignments.
NEW! Mini free library in the Honors Office (GEB 140). Browse through our diverse collection of textbooks, novels, reference materials, and more! If you find something that stirs your curiosity, it’s yours (to borrow or to keep)! We would also happily accept book donations.
Quiet study lounge and cozy hangout space (GEB 140). The Honors Lounge is the perfect place to study or relax alone or with some friends! The Honors Lounge is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Pre-enrollment.With pre-enrollment privileges, you can enroll a few days before open enrollment begins to ensure that you get into your preferred class sections before they fill up. Click here for enrollment dates and instructions.
Special recognition at graduation. Upon completing your Honors Program requirements, you will be eligible to wear the Honors cords at graduation. In addition, you will have the opportunity to participate in the exclusive graduation event that we hold each year to celebrate Honors Program graduates.