Spring 2020

Course TitleSubject and Course #CRNInstructor(s)Course Description
American Government HonorsPOLS 12411897Andrea VieuxSorry: no description available
Composition I HonorsENGL 12110295Sam BellNote: For this honors section the prerequisite is either an ACT score of 27 or higher or at least a score of 276 on the JCCC writing assessment test. Course objectives and competencies will remain the same as for other Composition I classes, although the instructor has selected different textbooks. For additional information and permission to enroll, please contact the honors office at 913-469-8500 ext. 2434.
Composition II HonorsENGL 12210429
Michael CarrigerNote: For this honors section the prerequisites are (1) a minimum of a B in Composition I. Course objectives and competencies remain the same as for other Composition II classes, although the instructor has selected different textbooks. For additional information and permission to enroll, please contact the honors office at 913-469-8500 ext. 2434
Contemporary Approaches to World Mythology HonorsHUM 15612059Katherine BailesSorry: no description available
Honors Forum: Native & Western Views of NatureHON 25012317Deb WilliamsThe Honors Forum provides an interdisciplinary approach to contemporary problems as they emerge locally, nationally or globally. Students will be exposed to diverse modes of inquiry in order to consider these problems from multiple angles. The Honors Forum draws from honors courses that students have completed prior to their enrollment. Students will develop a greater understanding of each issue and acquire the ability to develop an evidence-based argument regarding the topic under scrutiny. In this course students will build upon the research literacy skills introduced in the Honors Seminar, such that they demonstrate proficiency in the selection and use of academic databases, as well as the ability to incorporate in their argument the analysis of at least one primary source.
Intercultural Communications HonorsSPD 18011420Terri Easley-GiraldoSorry: no description available
Public Speaking HonorsSPD 12111390Justin StanleySorry: no description available
Social Problems HonorsSOC 12511144Eve BlobaumSorry: no description available
Special Topics: Black Hills Biodiversity HonorsHON 292-00112475Nancy Holcroft BensonSorry: no description available
Special Topics: Kansas Solar System Map HonorsHON 292-37612476Doug Patterson, James Hopper, Andy Young, and Terri NemerSorry: no description available
Special Topics: Sustainable Building & Living II HonorsHON 292-00212536Dan EberleSorry: no description available
Statistics HonorsMATH 18111524Colby KeslarSorry: no description available
Women, Art & Society HonorsARTH 20011611Allison SmithSorry: no description available