Emporia State University

Do you accept transfer students in your Honors Program/College?


How do transfer students apply to your Honors Program/College?

They apply via our online application form found at https://www.emporia.edu/honors.

What are your criteria for selection?

We look for a GPA of 3.5 or higher and we review essay answers.

How selective is your program when it comes to transfer students?

We accept most students who qualify.

Do you offer scholarships to transfer students?

Yes. All active members of the honors college receive a small scholarship that is renewable.

Does your institution offer a Phi Theta Kappa scholarship? If so, how much may transfer students count on? What are the restrictions?

Yes. It is $1,000.00 for one year only.

Are transfer students eligible for honors-specific scholarships or awards?

Yes. They are eligible for the Shepherd Scholar Award Scholarship, Honors Mentoring Scholarships, Emporia State Summer Undergraduate Research Scholarships, Buchele Honors International Travel Scholarship, and Honors Student Council Scholarships.

What other scholarships might be available to high-achieving transfer students at your institution?

There are a host of scholarships students can apply for.

What are your Honors Program/College completion requirements?

  1. The completion of 2 honors seminar courses,
  2. the completion of at least 4 additional courses or contract courses,
  3. the completion of a community engagement project,
  4. the completion of at least two honors medallions (co-curricular micro-credentials),
  5. participation in honors college activities
  6. maintaining a 3.5 GPA.

Do you accept community college honors course credit or experiences toward completion of your Honors Program/College?

Yes we do.

If you accept honors courses and experiences on a case-by-case basis, who should the Director of the Honors Program at JCCC reach out to in order to draft a transfer agreement or memorandum of understanding?

We do accept courses from prior institutions, but also require the some coursework be completed here. The honors dean meets with each transfer student, reviews the record, and collaborates with the student in crafting a plan for completion.

Does your Honors Program/College offer a seminar or track specific to transfer students? How do you support transfer students in your program?

There is no specific transfer track, but the honors dean meets with each transfer student, reviews their record, and collaborates with the student in crafting a plan for completion.

When would you recommend applying?

July 15 is the Emporia priority scholarship deadline, but the honors program is able to submit scholarships at any time.