University of Kansas

Do you accept transfer students in your Honors Program/College?


How do transfer students apply to your Honors Program/College?

June 1 deadline for transfer apps (for students starting in fall). Submit application, then typically meet with an advisor once accepted.

What are your criteria for selection?

We evaluate applications across four main criteria:
  • Challenge
  • Depth
  • Breadth
  • Leadership potential
We seek applicants who took full advantage of the courses and opportunities available to them at their high school, in addition to demonstrating academic excellence, an interest in interdisciplinary connections, and a commitment to community.

How selective is your program when it comes to transfer students?

60-70% (estimated) for transfer applications

Do you offer scholarships to transfer students?

Transfer students are eligible for institutional scholarships.

Does your institution offer a Phi Theta Kappa scholarship? If so, how much may transfer students count on? What are the restrictions?

Yes, $500 non-renewable.

Are transfer students eligible for honors-specific scholarships or awards?

Honors students are eligible for an honors award that will assist with unpaid experiences (such as study abroad, costs of getting to an internship site) and students are eligible for a need-based emergency aid when unexpected circumstances occur.

What are your Honors Program/College completion requirements?

Students must fulfill the following four requirements to graduate with university honors:
  • A one-hour honors first-year seminar course (HNRS 177, HNRS 190, or HNRS 195).
  • At least 18 credit hours in a minimum of six honors courses. (Courses offered by the honors program, designated by an academic department as an honors course, or created through a course contract with instructor approval qualify, as do graduate courses at the 700 level or higher and two semesters maximum of a less commonly taught language.)
  • Four Enhanced Learning Experiences (ELEs) selected from eight options and submitted successfully.
  • A cumulative KU GPA of 3.25 or higher and demonstrated progress toward University Honors Program graduation requirements.

Do you accept community college honors course credit or experiences toward completion of your Honors Program/College?

Yes. We’ll take up to 3 Honors-designated courses and up to 2 ELEs that line up with our KU categories from your community college experience.

Does your Honors Program/College offer a seminar or track specific to transfer students? How do you support transfer students in your program?

Yes – transfer students and continuing KU students joining after their first semester have a designated transfer seminar (1 credit hour) in their first semester of honors. All students have an assigned advisor that they can map out a completion plan with.

When do you recommend applying to the program?

A: Students starting in fall need to apply by May 1; students starting in spring need to apply by December 15.