Fort Hays State University

Do you accept transfer students in your Honors Program/College?

Yes – students must have a minimum of four semesters left.

How do transfer students apply to your Honors Program/College?

Complete an Honors College application – includes three essay questions and a resume. Priority application for fall-start scholarship consideration is Nov 15.

What are your criteria for selection?

Must have a 3.5 cumulative GPA. We look for quality writing as well as thoughtful, reflective, and creative approaches to the prompts.

Does your Honors Program/College offer a seminar or track specific to transfer students? How do you support transfer students in your program?

Transfer students are invited to an orientation before the semester begins in the fall (spring transfer students are welcome to meet individually with a staff member). Students transferring in credit that meets the core requirement are welcome to use a required course as an Honors Experience – students who may not meet all core requirements will be able to use this in their general education core.

Do you offer honors-specific scholarships to transfer students?

Yes! Students who wish to be considered for an Honors College scholarship may submit an optional 2-3 minute video with their application and are encouraged to provide any additional details they wish on the space provided on the application. Eligible applicants will be evaluated by the Admissions Committee for the Regents, Tier 1, and Tier 2 scholarships, when they apply. Once awarded, these scholarships are renewable for three additional consecutive years for first-year freshmen, 2 additional consecutive years for transfer sophomores, or 1 additional year for transfer/KAMS juniors.

Does your institution offer a Phi Theta Kappa scholarship? If so, how much may transfer students count on? What are the restrictions?

Yes – $1,500 and renewable for a second year if their FHSU GPA is above a 3.5.

What are your Honors Program/College completion requirements?

3.5 GPA and a check-in each semester. All Honors students will complete a number of Honors Experiences equal to the number of semesters they are in the program. Ideally, some of these experiences should be credit generating. An Honors Experience may include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Any designated Honors course;
  • Honors Critical Thinking course – expected for most in first spring semester;
  • Honors Senior Capstone course – expected in either semester during senior year;
  • Any course/experience successfully completed by an approved Honors Experience Contract;
  • or others listed on our Honors website.

Do you accept community college honors course credit or experiences toward completion of your Honors Program/College?

A: Honors students at FHSU are asked to complete an experience for each semester that they are in the honors program, so while transfer students have the same expectation, their overall number of requirements will likely be fewer (depending on how many semesters they are students before graduation).

When do you recommend applying?

Priority application for fall-start scholarship consideration is Nov 15.