It’s Transportation… In the FUTURE!

Part of me doesn’t care what this book is about. If the future means I get an egg on wheels to whip around town, I’m so in. BUT the part of me that does care reveals that Reinventing the Automobile tackles the green aspects of future transportation as well as the ideas of city planning and overcrowded areas, providing examples of the need for a smaller, environmentally-friendly vehicle.  It’s awesome either way.

Check Out JCCC-Produced Scholarship @ ScholarSpace

JCCC leads community colleges when it comes to preserving campus-produced scholarship. We’ve hit 285 articles, presentations, and conference papers in our Institutional Repository, ScholarSpace.  Check it out! This is a place for faculty, staff, and students to submit material they’ve written or presented at conferences, for magazines or journals, or that they’ve just put a considerable amount of effort into. When you check it out, if you don’t see your area of expertise represented, fear not: we’ll make a spot for it.

We’ll See How This Goes: Ask Away

Consider this a trial-by-fire.  We’ve taken an interest in this Formspring, “ask us anything” service, so the library has started our own page:

You can now anonymously ask us things like:

  • Important reference questions
  • Things you’re too afraid to ask at the desk
  • Questions on embarrassing topics
  • Curious inquiries into librarianship
  • More random errata

Honesly, we have no idea how this will go, but ask away, and we’ll find out.

Green Up Your Roof!

Any of our students in a Sustainability-related class or with an interest in going green should check out Green Roof Construction and Maintenance. There’s a lot you can do to empower structures by making improvements to their tops, from harnessing energy to using greener materials.  Whether its improving your drainage system to full-on LEED-certified construction, this book can help you make a little or big difference.

Free HIV Tests/Gardasil on 4/12


We like you. How much? A bunch. We want you all healthy and aware of your own health.

With that in mind, this just came across our InfoList, so please take note:


The Johnson County Health Department will offer free confidential rapid HIV screenings from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Monday, April 12, in 103 CLB. Results available in 20 minutes.

Gardasil injections also are available at no charge. Gardasil is the HPV vaccine.

No appointment needed. Must be 18 years or older for HIV testing.

Some Library Housekeeping…

A few announcements we haven’t really talked about on the Internet, but probably should have…

  • We’ve installed print management.  This is the end of free printing in the library in an effort to a) encourage you to get more green, b) get your professors to stop making you print so much, and c) collect some losses from non-students who take advantage of our services.  All enrolled students will have a generous number of free prints each semester. Feel free to talk to the reference desk or comment on it in the chat widget (to your right if you’re on our blog’s page.
  • The library catalog will be going down and coming back up a few times this week.  Our catalog’s server has what we’ll politely call “issues”.  Here’s an accurate depiction of our server right now:

Needless to say, we’re working on it.

  • Our very own Judi Guzzy is presenting at the KLA conference about her sabbatical project, which took a comprehensive look at the strengths and advantages of library consortia. We wish her luck!

That should cover it for now.  Here’s an inspirational librarian video.

It’s Intellectual Property Piracy!

People are taking artist’s music and illegally distributing it!!  That’s right, folks: people have been  copying sheet music for hundreds of years!

Piracy : The Intellectual Property Wars from Gutenberg to Gates is actually a pretty awesome account of how sneak-thievery of intellectual property wasn’t born with Napster or other filesharing sites. This is a neat book for people interested in copyright and IP law, the tensions between creators and imitators, and what has been done to detour this for the last few hundreds of years. A pretty interesting thing to think about, no?

For All the Faculty Mentors and Mentees

You may be a faculty mentor, or perhaps have one.  My faculty mentor was awesome, and I hope yours is, too.  If you are on either side of this relationship and struggling for things to talk about or ways to handle it, check out our new book: Faculty Success Through Mentoring : A Guide for Mentors, Mentees, and Leaders. It’s probably for the best.

And mentees: make your mentor buy you coffee! A lot happens over coffee.

The Only New Item Added Today

The only item we’ve added to our catalog today is a romance called Wedding Season. Here’s the first sentence from the description:

Sarah is a wedding planner hiding a rather inconvenient truth – she doesn’t believe in love.

I think you know where the story goes from there. So if romances are your thing, then it’s your lucky day up in JCCC.  While you’re here, check out other books in the McNaughton Collection: leisure reading on loan to academic institutions.  They’re on the second floor next to the circulation desk (as seen below).