ScholarSpace: The Academic’s Place

Today, Judi Guzzy and I announced ScholarSpace, the institutional repository for JCCC. Soon, this space will become populated with journals, conference proceedings, occasional papers, and other documents which represent our collected scholarly output. This is a big step, not just for our library, but for our institution as an academic presence on the Web. To learn more, e-mail me, comment, or sign up at

Book of the Day

I’m a huge fan of graphic novels, but despite this fact, I’ve never been able to get into Neil Gaiman’s Sandman.  If you’re big on comic books, you are aware how grievous this sin is to most.

That being said, I can say I’ve enjoyed his novels, and the film Stardust is amazing, and today’s book of the day is Dangerous Alphabet, a collaboration with artist Gris Grimly.  The premise?  Two kids and their gazelle sneak out of the house to fight pirates while the narrative’s pacing is controlled by the alphabet.  I don’t know a better way to sell a book to you than giving that description.  If you find the clever campiness of Gaiman to be just camp (and you find that a bad thing), the book is still worth a flip-through for the art alone.  But hey, while you’re looking, check out some of our other great graphic novels!

Book of the Day

The only thing I know about owls is that they’re loud, and back in my previous life on a farm, they would fly out of barns to scare me.  I will be checking out this book, though: Owls of the United States & Canada.  I’m one who believes that birds are creepy, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t fascinating

Book of the Day

The Codes Guidebook for Interiors is in its 4th edition. This book helps interior designers and architects by giving them a lingo-free look at how to remodel an area or work in undesigned spaces. This is good for design students, but its plain language makes it appropriate for anyone who may have a project, or want to shake up the living room a bit.

Book of the Day

Every day, we’ll peruse our latest entries into the catalog and select a brand new edition to our catalog we find interesting. This week’s is Dying to Live: a story of U.S. immigration in an age of global apartheid.  As the issue of illegal immigration is likely to remain relevant for awhile in the US, this non-fiction piece may be of interest to those with an interest in the topic, or those who may be studying it.

digitalLabs: A work in progress

visit digitalLabs
visit digitalLabs

I’m quite proud to announce that our digitalLabs page at JCCC is in full swing.  Many of the projects, including this blog, which are considered experimental, are available for your perusal.

As the projects become available, updates will be made known on the blog.  Projects available include a New Items RSS feed, the libraryMobile page, and this blog right here.  Please feel free to comment and let us know what you think!

We’re live, on the Internet

puppy lab tries to lick camera
puppy lab tries to lick camera

To save the blog from being without content, here’s your obligatory “we’re here!” post.  And… we are!  We are right here and ready to set this on fire.  Figuratively of course:  we’re librarians, we deal with a lot of paper.

Before the school year kicks off, the library is a busy place getting prepped.  Hopefully, before you know that this is here, I’ll be able to put real content on here.