Concentration Training

Do you find yourself zoning off when you should be paying attention to something, like, perhaps me in class. (I’ll let you figure out if I meant that YOU are zoning off when I’m speaking or if I am zoning off when I myself am talking. Or both.)

From the wonderous blog The Art of Manliness, here’s some bootcamp stuff for would-be concentrators. Eleven steps will have you being the most focused being on the planet.

Because the internet has made any bit of information instantly accessible, we tend to want to look something up the moment it crosses our mind. “I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow?” “What year did that movie come out?” “I wonder what’s new in my Facebook feed?” Consequently, we’ll toggle away from what we’re working on the instant these questions or thoughts pop into our minds. Problem is, once we get distracted, it takes on average 25(!) minutes to return to our original task. Plus, shifting our attention back and forth drains its strength.

Give it a try. If it works, maybe I’ll give it a try.

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