10 Benefits of Attending College

A post on Wise Bread tells us of “Ten Surprising Ways a College Education will Improve Your Life.” Unfortunately but not surprisingly (in our data-obsessed culture) these reasons mostly revolve around monetary benefits. You’ll earn more, be unemployed less, and so forth. I’m a bit mystified by #7. “You’re able to spend more time with your children.”

A college education may also improve your family life, giving you more quality time with your children. College Board reports that mothers with a four-year college degree spend on average about “51% more time on their children’s activities than employed mothers with only a high school education.” For those mothers with children under the age three, the amount of playtime spent with their children also increased with education.

I have four children, and I’m not altogether sure that spending more time with them is always a good thing. In fact, I’d say the evidence is definitely divided.

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