JCCC Model United Nations Club/Team Bylaws

 Mission Statement: JCCC UN Club dedicates its self to raising local awareness of the United Nations; Competing in collegiate Model United Nation simulations; promoting good citizenship and leadership, educate others about Model United Nations and its potential for improving academic success, and expanding our United Nations program to an international educational community.

Club/Team distinction: Each Fall semester the JCCC Model UN is a club and in the Spring Semesters it is a team. In spring semester club officers become team captains who will assist Instructor/advisor in team preparation.

Club Organization: The club shall be a voting body needing a simple majority for any decision put forth to the body unless otherwise stated, with final approval granted by the team’s faculty advisor, in conjunction with elected administrative members. The JCCC Model UN advisor is responsible for assisting in providing for the best unified club possible.

Requirements for Club Membership: Membership is open to all enrolled JCCC students taking a JCCC credit course during the semester of participation. All members shall be treated without discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, or mental or physical disability.

Requirements and Responsibilities for Elected Members: The administrative body shall be comprised of a President, Vice President, and Vice President Secretary who meet the following requirements and responsibilities:

1) A JCCC student enrolled in at least one three credit course, an active member, at least 18 years of age, and in good academic standing:

2) Shall be elected by the body during the first meeting following the spring competitions.

3) Newly elected officials shall assume their roles after elections.

 The President shall be responsible for meeting with the faculty advisor and managing affairs, both external and internal. The president is the main operating officer and, as such, is directly responsible for the smooth, efficient, and successful operation of the club/team plus activities including participation with Student Senate. Responsible for the enforcement of JCCC College student code of conduct and team bylaws. 

a. The President, if necessitated, shall have the authority to act as a representative for the JCCC Model UN membership in all matters directly relating to the student organization. Any decisions by the President should be presented for approval from officers and faculty advisor. Whenever possible, the President shall seek prior approval from the officers and faculty advisor for these decisions. If any member of JCCC Model UN feels that this authority is abused, these concerns may be presented to the General Body, which may then vote to censure the President or remove the President from office.

b. In the event that an emergency decision must be made, the President may authorize the general body to act in the stead of officers.

5) The Vice President Model United Nations shall be responsible for the maintaining communications between the President, advisor, and the body as well as assisting the President in the managing of the internal affairs and acting as President in the President’s absence. They will also assist the advisor in preparation of members for MUN conferences, including policy position papers, resolution development and speeches. 

6) Vice-President/Secretary who will be in charge of meeting minutes, club publicity, and maintaining communication via social media. In charge of notifications of meetings to members, keeping minutes, members lists. Promote the ModelUN and campus awareness. 

Appointed Position: Secretary General of MKCMUN is appointed position by advisor. Secretary General will assist advisor in planning and organizing the conference. They will also be responsible for the maintaining communications between the advisor, President and body on matters concerning the MKCMUN.

Leadership Expectations:

1) JCCC Model UN officers will be responsible for planning and setting organizing goals

2) Directing meetings and involving members in making decisions

3) Facilitate training of Model UN skills, including working on position papers, speeches, and resolutions.

4) Facilitate team learning

5) Provide team building, recruiting and selecting team members

Fundraising, Fund Allocation and Good Stewardship: Funds shall be organized into two categories. The first shall be all funds contributed to the outside of fund raising events. The second shall be any funds earned by either fund raising activities or assessments for travel. The regulations for the funds shall be as follows:

1) College Contributed Capital: A significant portion of funding for JCCC Model UN trips are provided by JCCC (past average about 90%). These funds are provided to increase the educational experience of team members. Therefore, it is extremely important that members exercise good stewardship in ensuring that the college receives good value back for its support. JCCC Model UN has an outstanding reputation both within JCCC and among the model UN community. We must do everything possible to preserve and enhance that reputation. Among other elements this good stewardship includes:

Prior to the model UN, attending all preparation meetings and providing preparation inputs and such as position papers, speeches, and draft resolutions on time, well researched and in the proper format

 Once at the Model UN Conference: attending all scheduled events, including committee meetings and JCCC Model UN conference meetings. Being present in committee on time (prior to roll call)

1. the first instance of lateness will result in a warning

2. the second instance of lateness will result in removal of the member from the team

3. being in proper attire (coat and tie for males and corresponding attire for females)

4. conducting oneself in a diplomatic and tactful manner at all times

5. rude, inconsiderate or inappropriate behavior toward team members or other participants will be cause for immediate removal from the JCCC Model UN and disqualification for future model UNs. In addition, JCCC Model UN can take the matter up with the JCCC VP Student Affairs for disciplinary action.

6. attending committee sessions or JCCC conference meetings in a condition deemed inappropriate for serious work will be cause for immediate removal from the team and disqualification for future model UNs.

7. working as staff in conducting the annual MKCMUN

Fund Raising Funds: Fund raising is important in helping to reduce the cost of participation to individual members and in demonstrating to the college administration and student senate that we are making an honest effort to help with the funding. Our basic fund raising philosophy is that the rewards of fund raising should go to those who participated.

Conduct: While keeping in line with the JCCC Student Code of Conduct, every member is expected to attend and come prepared to all scheduled JCCC UN events, including competitions, meetings, and fund raising activities. Further description is as follows:

1) Unauthorized absences from any scheduled team event could result in dismissal from JCCC Model UN.

2) While at competition, JCCC Model UN members are expected to professionally represent both JCCC and their assigned delegation at all times through punctuality and diplomacy.

3) During competitions, members are expected to maintain communications with the advisor, head delegate and committee member.

4) Members are expected to use reasonable judgment so not to engage in any activities that would impair their performance during competition.

5) Please note that conference attendance is a privilege granted by JCCC. Travel and participation at conferences is contingent on showing good preparations for the conferences. Failure to adhere to JCCC Model UN guidelines may also result in non-participation in the conferences. In addition, the advisor reserves the right to exclude from participation in travel those students whom have not performed well on team requirements and expectations. You must have an overall JCCC 2.50 GPA. Subjective evaluations related to your enthusiasm, leadership skills, and ability to work with others will also be considered and may be more important. In addition, if the advisor even suspects that you will cause behavioral problems you will not be traveling with JCCC Model UN.


These Bylaws may be amended by two-thirds vote of the members who are present at a meeting where quorum is present. Any member of the organization may initiate Bylaw amendments. Any proposed amendments must be distributed to all members at least one week prior to taking a vote on the amendment change.

Dissolution Provision

In the event of dissolution, all of the remaining assets and property of the organization shall after necessary expenses thereof be distributed to such organizations as shall qualify under section 501 c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding provisions of any subsequent Federal tax laws; or to the federal government, or to a state or local government for a public purpose.

Non-Inurement Provision

No part of the net earning of this organization shall inure to the benefit of any member or officer of the organization, or any private individual, and no member or officer of the organization or any private individual shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the assets upon dissolution of the organization.

Restrictive Legislation Provision

No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, or any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.

Restrictive Purposes and Activities Provision

Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the organization is organized exclusively of one or more of the following purposes: religious, charitable, scientific, international amateur sports competition, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals, as specified in section 501 c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 c) (3) or corresponding provisions of any subsequent Federal tax laws.

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