The JCCC Model UN Team History

 The JCCC UN Team was founded in 1997 for the purpose of providing JCCC students with the educational experience of preparing for and participating in major college-level Model United Nations (MUN). The following is a brief recap of the team’s first five years of operation.

Outstanding Delegation Award New York April 2011

Competition in Model United Nations began in fall of 1997 with five delegates attending the American Model United Nations (AMUN) in Chicago and has continued at the rate of one major MUN each semester. The first two spring semesters (1998 and 1999), the team competed in the Midwest Model United Nations (MMUN) in St. Louis. In 2000 the team shifted its spring model UN to the National Model United Nations (NMUN) in New York.

The team quickly developed a reputation for awards as it received its first Best Delegation award at MMUN in spring 1998. The following fall it became the first community college to receive such an award at AMUN in Chicago, an achievement it has repeated every year since.

Each year of the team’s existence it has grown both in size and in reaching new levels of activities and achievements. From its beginning with 5 delegates in the fall of 1997 the team has grown in size to 23 delegates at NMUN last spring. The following is a recap of its growth in activities and achievements by school year:


Competed in first model UN at AMUN
Won first Best Delegation award at MMUN

Received first Best Delegation award at AMUN and two Best Delegation awards at MMUN
Cosponsored first Metropolitan Kansas City Model United Nations (MKCMUN) for area high school students

Received Best Delegation award at AMUN
Attended NMUN in New York for first time

Received four Best Delegation awards plus Best Overall Delegation award at AMUN
Participated at partners with the Japan National Model UN team at NMUN

Received two Best Delegation awards at AMUN
Sponsored development of a model UN team at Northwestern Polytechnical University in X’ian, China to be permanent international partner in competing at NMUN. Conducted MUN training at NPU and then hosted the first NPU team as partners with us at NMUN last spring.

In summary, during its first five years the JCCC UN Team had competed in ten major college-level MUNs at which it had represented thirteen different countries and one nongovernmental organization. The team also placed five students on the International Court of Justice at AMUN. We had taken a total of 138 delegates to the ten MUNs comprising 57 different JCCC students (the average JCCC team member competes in 2.4 MUNs). Twelve JCCC students had earned Best Delegation awards and nine students shared in winning the Best Overall Delegation award.

The 2002-2003 school year continued the consistent growth in level of team activity as sent four of our team members to China in December 2003 to assist the NPU team conduct the first-ever regional model United Nations in China. Also, with the recent demise of the Shawnee-Mission Center for International Studies, the team assumed sole responsibility for planning and conducting the MKCMUN.

Fall 2003  (see team success 2003)

Dr. Brian Wright took over as team advisor from George Belzer

November 2003 team attended the East-West Conference in Honolulu Hawaii and won an Outstanding delegation award for the Russian Federation. Begaiym Esenkuleva lead the team. POLS 200 Model United Nations course was first offered.

Fall 2004 Spring 2005

April 2004 the team return to NMUN New York and represented Japan along with NPU.
November 2004 the team returned to AMUN Chicago
February 2005 team attended Mid-West Model UN and NMUN New York.

 Team Success 2005/2006

Nov. 2005 received Outstanding Delegation Award AMUN Chicago
Feb. 2006 received two Outstanding Delegation Awards and three Honorable Mention awards MMUN St. Louis
April 2006 received Outstanding Paper Award at NMUN New York.

Team Success 2006/2007

Nov. 2006 received an Outstanding Delegation award for its portrayal of Spain and Portugal Nov. 18-21 at the 2006 American Model United Nations Chicago, IL.
Feb. 2007 United Nations team received three Outstanding Delegation awards for its portrayal of Greece and Tanzania at the 2007 Midwest Model United Nations Conference Feb. 21-24 in St. Louis.
March 2008 Johnson County Community College and Wichita state University Model united Nations combined team ReceivedOutstanding awards at the National Model United nations conference

Team success 2007/2008

Nov. 2007 received Honorable Mention award NMUN Washington DC Conference
Nov. 2007 received Outstanding Delegation award AMUN Chicago
Feb. 2008 received 3 Outstanding Delegation awards JCCC Model united Nations team Received awards at the
2008 Mid-West Model United Nations conference St. Louis MO.
March 2008 Team Received Awards 1 Honorable Mention, 1 Outstanding Position Paper and 1 Outstanding Delegation at the 2008 National Model United Nations conference New York City.

Team Success 2008/2009

Nov. 2008 received Distinguished Delegation award NMUN Xian China

Feb. 2009 received two Honorable Mention Awards MMUN St. Louis MO.

March 2009 received Outstanding Position Paper and Outstanding Delegation awards at NMUN New York

 Team Success 2010 

November 2010 Model United Nations team receives awards at national conference: The JCCC Model United Nations team received two Outstanding Delegation Awards at the 2011 Model United Nations Conference Nov. 19-22 in Chicago, Ill. The first accolade was the Policy Overall Best Delegation award, given for best representing the policies of JCCC’s assigned country of Cuba. The second was an Outstanding Delegation award representing the economic and financial policies of Cuba. As part of pre-conference preparation, team members presented position papers and received awards. The position paper serves as a blueprint for building consensus and formulating and negotiating workable draft resolutions to resolve issues. Thirteen papers were submitted for the conference this year – seven for Cuba and six for Haiti. Below are the names of the committee for which the papers were prepared, the team member(s) who prepared the position paper and the country represented.

General Assembly Plenary Committee: Dustin Morris and Natalie VanMaanen, Cuba; Ryan Donovan, Haiti.
Disarmament and International Security Committee: Megan Willard, Cuba; Matt Lantz, Haiti.
Economic and Financial Committee: James Khalif, Cuba; Xiang Jin, Haiti.
Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee: Elvira Babaeva, Cuba; Aizhan Tazhigulova and Caitlynn Adams, Haiti.
Legal Committee: Samantha Poetter, Cuba; Nichole Taylor, Haiti.
World Health Assembly: Ben Brown, Cuba; Kanasha Neddo, Haiti.
Commission on Sustainable Development: Ho Hoi Chun and Nathan George, Cuba.

The team’s adviser is Brian Wright, associate professor, political science.

 Team Success 2011

JCCC Model UN Team Receives Outstanding Delegation Award at the National Model United Nations Conference New York City.

The Johnson County Community College (JCCC) Model United Nations team is pleased to announce that it received an Outstanding Delegation Award for its portrayal New Zealand at the National Model United Nations Conference (NMUN) in New York City, April 17-21, 2011. Students will receive at an award ceremony at the United Nations today at 4:00 p.m. JCCC was evaluated by the conference on the following criteria:

Remaining in Character – defined as advocating your assigned country’s position in a manner consistent with economic, social and geopolitical constraints
Participating in committee – evaluated both during formal and informal (caucusing) sessions.
Proper use of the rules of procedure – NMUN uses the rules of procedure to facilitate effective workings of committee and debate.

Five JCCC Students were chosen by the conference to be rapporteur’s who assist with the organization of their conference committee.

Matt Lantz, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review committee
James Khalif the General Assembly Second Committee: Economic and Financial

Nichole Taylor, United Nations Children’s Fund

Margarita Zunig, Organization of American States

Dustin Morris, United Nations Environmental Program

Jeremy Williams was chosen to be the chair of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). “These awards it would not have been possible without the hard work and collaboration between of every member of this team,” said JCCC student Jeremy Williams Overland Park, KS.

In addition to the above, the JCCC teams success is attributed to Ben Brown (Mission, KS), Nichole Taylor (Kansas City, MO), Matt Lantz (Overland Park, KS), Janice Amos (Olathe, KS), Andrew Snow (Olathe, KS), Nick Makin (Leawood, KS), Peter Vanderurst (Lenexa, Kansas), Dustin Morris (Wichita, KS), Kumar Shretha and Margarita Zunig (Lawrence, KS), Fatuma Kelleh (Overland Park, KS), Ryan Donovan (Overland Park, KS), Maxwell Matite and Futuma Kelleh (Olathe, KS) Jeremy Williams (Prairie Village, KS), James Khalif (Overland Park, KS) and Dr. Brian Wright (team advisor)

“It is a very impressive achievement for JCCC students,” JCCC Model UN faculty advisor and Associate Professor Brian Wright adds that “Please understand how much of an achievement this is for JCCC. NMUN is by far the world’s largest and most prestigious Model UN conference. Participants include major universities from throughout the world, each of which sets the main focus of their program on award recognition at New York. Although the NMUN conference is very large, it has kept its number of awards small and to receive one clearly says to the rest of the Model UN community that JCCC has one of the strongest programs in the world. Receiving these awards are a great experience for our students that will stay with them throughout their lives.”

This NMUN award caps six years of success for JCCC, during which the team has received awards at the last 20 consecutive conferences they have attended. It also completes a sweep for the school year with this JCCC team having won awards at the American Model United Nations in Chicago Il and Mid-West Model UN in St. Louis. These conferences are an exceptional educational opportunity for JCCC students and a chance to highlight the school’s academic excellence. JCCC students prepared for the conference through research for position papers, class assignments, and participation at their own MUN simulation. A wide variety of majors are represented on this team, such as Political Science, Business, History, Nursing, Education, English, and Science.

“The NMUN conference was an unforgettable experience because of meeting students from fifty six different countries. I am proud to be a part of such a successful team” said Margarita Zunig Lawrence, KS). “This conference was an experience I will always value; having had the opportunity to work with great students from around the world. Model United Nations allows students to understand the international issues at the United Nations while building skills in public speaking and diplomacy. More than 3000 students participated in the conference by proposing resolutions and writing reports dealing with world issues. The conference helps students to further understand global issues and international relations in a forum that allows them to discuss global concerns in an atmosphere that is similar to that of the United Nations. JCCC Student Maxwell Matite said of the conference, “This experience at NMUN has been an educational and eye-opening experience, allowing the JCCC team to bond together and cooperate to achieve the highest accolades possible.”

Ryan Donovan “The in-depth conversations among students made this event a life learning experience.” “When you enter the United Nations General Assembly Hall and witness so many students from around the world working on international issues. Nothing compares to the feeling of everything coming together which spending time at the United Nations. Just imagine what we can accomplish in the future.” said Ryan.

Feb. 2011 JCCC Model united Nations team Receives awards at Mid-West Model United Nations conference

The JCCC Model United Nations team received four awards for its portrayal of France at the 2011 Mid-West Model United Nations Conference St. Louis February 16-19, 201. The Outstanding Delegate Choice Award went to Maxwell Matite (Olathe, KS) for his work on the Security Council regarding the issue of “importance of regional cooperation in combating terrorism.” JCCC received Position paper awards at the Mid-West Model United Nations conference. These paper awards shows that the students were well prepared.

Honorable Mention award went to Jeremy Williams (Prairie Village, KS) for his portrayal of France’s position on the General Assembly Economic and Finical committee regarding the issues of “Preventing and combating corrupt practices and transfer of assets of illicit origin, and repatriation of illicit funds to the countries of origin,” and “the role of science and technology for development in the context of globalization and interdependence.”

Honorable Mention award went to James Khalif (Overland Park, KS) for his portrayal of France’s position on General Assembly Special Issues Committee regarding the issues of the “Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations,” and “Confidence-building measures in an effort to secure peaceful uses of outer space.”

CCC students competed against other Universities and Colleges from across North and South America. In addition to the above, the JCCC teams success is attributed to Ben Brown (Mission, KS), Nichole Taylor (Kansas City, MO), Matt Lantz (Overland Park, KS), Janice Amos (Olathe, KS), Andrew Snow (Olathe, KS), Nick Makin (Leawood, KS), Peter Vanderurst (Lenexa, Kansas), Dustin Morris (Wichita, KS), Margarita Zunig (Lawrence, KS), Fatuma Kelleh (Overland Park, KS), Ryan Donovan (Overland Park, KS), and Dr. Brian Wright (team advisor) Dr. Wright was elected Secretary by Board of Directors of the Midwest Model United Nations.

Additionally, former JCCC student and team member David Willis (Cleveland, MO) was the 2011 Mid-West Model United Nations Conference Secretary General and Brandon Bezner (Overland Park, KS) was the 2011 Under-Secretary General. Brandon Bezner was selected to be the 2012 Secretary General of the Mid-West Model United Nations Conference. The Secretary General and Under-Secretary General are responsible for organizing and managing the Mid-West Model United Nations Conference.

Janice Amos “This was my first Model UN conference; it was an incredible experience particularly the opportunities to develop my people and diplomacy skills.”

Nichole Taylor “undoubtedly this conference was an incredibility enriching learning experience and I met wonderful people.”

Dustin Morris “this experience lets you see that there are others who think about politics as much as I do.”

Matt Lantz “This conference reminded me of the diverse applications learned that can be important in my life, such as engaging others, compromising to reach a common goal, and practicing awareness to global issues.”

Jeremy Williams “This is an experience gained skill that transfers well. A good Model UN’er is a hard worker, a good student and friend.”

Maxwell Matite “This was a Challenging yet intellectually awarding experience.”

Ryan Donovan “The in-depth conversations among students made this event a life learning experience.”

Joshua Delaney “This was a fantastic learning experience. I had never been so intellectually challenged to do my best. I look forward to taking the necessary steps to improve and prepare for future conferences.”

Model United Nations allows students to understand the international issues at the United Nations and at the same time build skills in public speaking and diplomacy. More than 600 students participated in this conference, proposing resolutions dealing with world issues. The issues discussed range from peace-keeping and human rights to economic development, and the plight of children. The conference is helping students to further understand global issues and international relations. This forum allows students to discuss global concerns in an atmosphere that is similar to that of the United Nations.

The JCCC Model UN team will next attend the National Model United Nations Conference in New York held at the United Nations April 15-22, 2011 where they will represent the country of New Zealand. This conference is an exceptional educational opportunity for JCCC students and a chance to highlight the schools academic excellence.


Feb. 2010 JCCC Model united Nations team Receives at the 2010 Mid-West Model United Nations conference St. Louis MO.

The JCCC Model United Nations team received three Outstanding Delegation and two Honorable mention awards for its portrayal of United Kingdom and Australia at the 2010 Mid-West Model United Nations Conference at Union Station St. Louis Missouri February 16-20, 2010. This accomplishment is attributable to team members Paige Crosswhite (Louisburg, KS), for her work on the 1965 Historic Security Council and the “Situation in Cyprus,” Chris Dwyer (Overland Park, KS) for his work on the World Food Program (WFP) and the issue of “Enhancing the role of the WFP in Preventing and Treating Malnutrition in Emergency Situations,” and Kumar Shretha (Lawrence, KS) for his work on the Security Council and the issue of “International Piracy.” In addition, former JCCC team member David Willis (Cleveland, MO) was selected by the Mid-West Model United Nations Conference to be the 2011 Secretary General and Brandon Bezner (Overland Park, KS) was selected to be the 2011 Under-Secretary General. The Secretary General and Under-Secretary General are responsible for organizing and managing the 2011 Mid-West Model United Nations Conference. JCCC Model United Nations faculty advisor Brian Wright (Warrensburg, MO) was elected by the faculty of the Mid-West Model United Nations conference to serve a three year term on the Board of Directors of the conference and was also elected by the Board of Directors to serve as the Board Secretary. These Mid-West Model United Nations conference awards cap over five years of success for JCCC, during which the team has won awards at each of the last eighteen conferences they have attended. The JCCC Model UN team will next attend the National Model United Nations and Leadership Conference in New York held at the United Nations March 26-April 2 where they will represent the country of Nigeria. This conference is an exceptional educational opportunity for JCCC students and a chance to highlight the school’s academic excellence. Eighteen JCCC students competed with students from over 100 other Universities and Colleges from across North America (for example, DePaul University, Univ. of Illinois, Univ. of Missouri, Univ. of Michigan, Univ. of Wisconsin). Additional JCCC team members not listed are:

Jeremy Williams (Overland Park, KS) Jeremy was rushed to the hospital with appendicitis on morning of Wed. Feb. 17, received emergency surgery and unbelievably returned to the conference the night of Thursday 18.
Maxwell Otieno Matite (Olathe, KS), Abraham Mathok (Lenexa, KS), Jeremy Mock (Raymore, MO), Milvi Saarna (Kansas City, KS), Lily Darrington (Prairie Village, KS), Angie Zapata (Gladstone, MO), Amanda Hill (Shawnee, KS), Allison Williams (Overland Park, KS), Farhan Din (Overland Park, KS), Josh McConico (Bonner Springs, KS), Erica Roper (Edgerton, KS), Joseph Gideon (Kansas City, MO) ,

JCCC Model UN Team Receives Award at the 2010 National Model United Nations Conference New York City. 

The Johnson County Community College (JCCC) Model United Nations team is pleased to announce that it received an Honorable Mention Award for its portrayal Nigeria at the National Model United Nations Conference (NMUN) in New York City, March 28-April 1, 2010.

JCCC was evaluated by the conference on the following criteria: representing Nigeria’s policy in a manner consistent with economic, social, and geopolitical constraints; diplomatic negotiations skills, and proper use of rules of procedure.

Some of the issues at the conference included Climate Change, The Privatization of War, Information and Communication Technologies for Development, Implementation of a global Standard of Education, Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development, Water and Nuclear Technologies, Limiting the impact of HIV/AIDS in Africa, and International Cooperation, Burden and Responsibility Sharing in Mass Influx Situations.

The team advisor, Dr. Brian Wright JCCC Associate Professor of Political Science, said “an exceptional group of students who worked very hard.” Thirteen JCCC students competed with other colleges and universities from across North & South America, Europe and Asia (for example Baylor University, University of California, Universidad San Francisco de Quito Ecuador , London School of Economics, Faculte de droit de l’Universite de Montreal, University of Texas, Universitat Erfurt Germany, Universitat Hamburg Germany, University of Pennsylvania, University of Wisconsin, University of British Columbia, University of Bonn, University of London, Sichuan International Studies University, Philipps-Universitat Marburg, New York University).

“These awards it would not have been possible without the hard work and collaboration between of every member of this team,” said JCCC student Joseph Gideon, of Lubbock, TX and Overland Park, KS. Joseph was selected to work as part of the conference staff on International Court of Justice. In addition to Joseph tweleve JCCC students participated in the conference Maxwell Otieno Matite(Olathe, KS), Abraham Mathok (Lenexa, KS), Milvi Saarna (Kansas City, KS), Lily Darrington (Prairie Village, KS), Angie Zapata (Gladstone, MO), Farhan Din (Overland Park, KS), Jeremy Williams (Overland Park, KS), Kumar Shretha (Lawrence, KS), Chris Dwyer (Overland Park, KS), Paige Crosswhite (Louisburg, KS),

Rebecca Elo (Kansas City, MO) was chosen to work as part of the conference staff on the International Atomic Energy Agency.

This NMUN award caps five years of success for JCCC, during which the team has won awards at the last fifteen consecutive conferences they have attended. It also completes a sweep for the school year with this JCCC team having won awards at the American Model United Nations in Chicago Il and Mid-West Model UN in St. Louis. These conferences are an exceptional educational opportunity for JCCC students and a chance to highlight the school’s academic excellence. JCCC students prepared for the conference through research for position papers, class assignments, and participation at their own MUN simulation. A wide variety of majors are represented on this team, such as Political Science, Business, History, Nursing, Education, English, and Science.

“The NMUN conference was an unforgettable experience because of meeting students from around the world. I am proud to be a part of such a successful team” said Milvi Saarna (Kansas City, KS). “This conference was an experience I will always value; having had the opportunity to work with great students from around the world. I feel inspired” said Jeremy Williams (Overland Park, KS)

“It is very impressive former,” JCCC Model UN faculty advisor and current Adjunct Professor, George Belzer adds that “I hope everyone understands how big an achievement this is for JCCC. NMUN is by far the world’s largest and most prestigious Model UN conference. Participants include major universities from throughout the world, each of which sets the main focus of their program on award recognition at New York. Although the NMUN is huge and continues to grow, it has kept its number of awards small and to win one clearly says to the rest of the Model UN community that you have one of the strongest programs in the world. Winning such awards is a great experience for our students will stay with them throughout their lives.”

Model United Nations allows students to understand the international issues at the United Nations while building skills in public speaking and diplomacy. More than 3000 students participated in the conference by proposing resolutions and writing reports dealing with world issues. The conference helps students to further understand global issues and international relations in a forum that allows them to discuss global concerns in an atmosphere that is similar to that of the United Nations. Student Abraham Salva Matok said of the conference, “This experience at NMUN has been an educational and eye-opening experience, allowing the JCCC team to bond together and cooperate to achieve the highest accolades possible.” Joseph Gideon “When you enter the United Nations General Assembly Hall and witness so many students from around the world working on international issues. Nothing compares to the feeling of everything coming together which spending time at the United Nations. Just imagine what we can accomplish in the future.”


The JCCC Model United Nations team received four awards for their Policy Positions Papers of Kenya and Tanzania at the 2010 American Model United Nations Conference Chicago IL. November 19-23, 2010. In addition Joseph Gideon (Overland Park, KS) served as a Justice on the International Court of Justice.
The Position Paper Awards are presented in recognition of Johnson County’s pre-conference preparation. The position paper serves as a blueprint for building consensus and formulating and negotiating workable draft resolutions to resolve issues. In the last five years the JCCC Model United Nations has received awards at all eighteen consecutive conferences they have attended. Most notable are the awards received at the National Model United Nations Conference held at the United Nations in New York City. This past spring the team received an honorable mention award at the National Model United Nations and has received outstanding position paper awards in 2009, 2008, 2007, & 2006. Preparations for these conferences are an exceptional educational opportunity for JCCC students and a chance to highlight the school’s academic excellence.
Twelve papers were submitted for the 2010 American Model United Nations conference with six for Kenya and six for Tanzania.
Papers summited for the General Assembly Plenary committee are by Jeremy Williams (Overland Park, KS) representing Kenya and Ellie Brecunier (Shawnee, KS) representing Tanzania on the issues of “The role of Diamonds in Fuelling Conflict” and the “Outcome of the Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impact on Development.”
Papers submitted for the Disarmament and International Security committee are by Maxwell Matite (Olathe, KS) representing Kenya, Matt Lantz (Kansas City, MO) representing Tanzania on the issues of
“Towards an Arms Treaty: Establishing Common International Standards for the Import,” and the “Export and Transfer of Conventional Arms Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.”

Papers submitted for the Economic and Financial committee are by Robert (Andy) Anderson (Lawrence, KS) representing Kenya and Bernard Murphy (Olathe, KS) representing Tanzania on the issues of “Macroeconomic Policy Questions” and “Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations of Humankind.”
Papers submitted for the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural committee are by Belinda (Nichole) Taylor (Joplin, MO) representing Kenya and Paige Crosswhite (Louisburg, KS) representing Tanzania on the issues of “Eliminating Rape and Other Forms of Sexual Violence in All Their Manifestations” and the “Status of the Convention on the Rights of the Child as it Relates to Child Labor.”
Papers submitted for the committee on International Legal Questions are by “Fatuma Kelleh (Olathe, KS) representing Kenya and Margarita Zuniga (Lawrence, KS) representing Tanzania on the issues of “Nationality of Natural Persons in Relation to the Succession of States” and the “Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization.”
Papers submitted for International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are by James Khalif (Overland Park, KS) representing Kenya and Andrew Snow (Olathe, KS) Tanzania on the issues of “Nuclear Power and Iran” plus the “Nuclear Energy and Multilateral Approaches to the Fuel Cycle.”

AMUN 1997 – 5 Delegates

Afghanistan – Haumana DeBarthe, team president; Christina Drennon; Alec Jackson; Mikel Paiva; and Jennifer Coil

MMUN 1998 – 6 Delegates

Republic of the Congo – Haumana DeBarthe, team president; Christina Drennon; Alec Jackson; Mikel Paiva; Nick Tomasich; and Ben Morris.
Haumana DeBarthe – Best Delegation award (1)

AMUN 1998 – 12 Delegates

Israel – Christine Drennon, head delegate; Matt Coates; Julie Hutchison; Jessica Kolkin; Mikel Paiva; and Josh Gustin.
Afghanistan – Alec Jackson, team president and head delegate; Deanne Adams; Doug Overbay; Ben Morris; Malgorzata Bielawska; and Richard Seagraves.
Richard Seagraves – Best Delegation award (1)

MMUN 1999 – 12 Delegates

China – Alec Jackson, team president, Haumana DeBarthe, head delegate; Deanne Adams; Malgorzata Bielawska; Matt Coates; Christina Drennon; John Grossman; Josh Gustin; Julie Hutchison; Ben Morris; Mikel Paiva; and Richard Seagrave.
Richard Seagraves, John Grossman and Julie Hutchison – Best Delegation awards (2)

AMUN 1999 – 15 Delegates

Russian Federation/Soviet Union – Alec Jackson, team president and head delegate; Deanne Adams; Jimmie Adams; Ryan Anderson; Matt Coates; Haumana DeBarthe; Christina Drennon; Olga Fedorishcheva; Antonio Hernandez; Ben Morris; Meredith Schieber; Fred VanWinkle; and Tiffany Walters
International Court of Justice – John Grossman and Mikel Paiva
Christina Drennon and Ryan Anderson – Best Delegation award (1)

NMUN 2000 – 12 Delegates

Iraq – Alec Jackson, team president and head delegate; Deanne Adams; Jimmy Adams; Ryan Anderson; Matt Coates; Haumana DeBarthe; Christina Drennon; Olga Fedorishcheva; Antonio Hernandez; Russ Merchant; Mikel Paiva; and Tiffany Walters.

AMUN 2000 – 20 Delegates

Iraq – Christina Drennon, head delegate; Sohel Khan; Alec Jackson; Robert Goc; Clayton Mellgren; Catherine Cox; Haumana DeBarthe; Rebecca Kidd; and Julia Patrick.
Jordan – Joshua Lusk, head delegate; Jeannie Byrne; John Harper; Russ Merchant, team president; Danielle Brunin; Vickie Besinger; Antonio Hernandez; Richard Seagraves; and Natalie Patrick.
International Court of Justice – Eddie Gutierrez and John Hipskind.
Christina Drennon (2), Alec Jackson (2), Sohel Khan, Robert Goc, Joshua Lusk and Richard Seagraves – Best Delegation awards (4 total) and Irag – Best Overall Delegation award.

NMUN 2001 – 17 Delegates

France – Russ Merchant, team president; Vickie Bessinger; Catherine Cox; Elizabeth Currie-Matsko; Eddie Gutierrez; Emily Hamblin; John Harper; Alec Jackson; Ryan Kriegshauser; Trever Leikam; Joshua Lusk; Frank McGuinness; Julia Patrick; Natalie Patrick; Hongmei Ruan; Richard Seagraves; and Matt Zeiner.
Competed as partners with the Japan National Model Team

AMUN 2001 – 16 Delegates

Belgium – Natalie Patrick, head delegate; Tim Akright; Christina Drennon; Lawrence Hamtil; Ron Knox; Trever Leikam; Frank McGuinness; Teresa Pruett; and Matt Zeiner
Uganda – Russ Merchant, head delegate; Peter Abbey; Justin Lewis; Gloria Mugarura; Aaron Patch; and Julia Patrick
International Court of Justice – Joshua Lusk, team president
Christina Drennon, Matt Zeiner, Russ Merchant and Gloria Mugarura – Best Delegation awards (2 total)

NMUN 2002 – 23 Delegates

Cuba – Peter Abbey, Tim Akright, Rich Arnold, Abdirahman Gutale, Alec Jackson, Mohammed Kassim, Trever Leikam, Joshua Lusk, Sally Lusk, Kari Manlove, Russ Merchant, Estelle Montgomery, Gloria Mugarura, Aaron Patch, Teresa Pruett, Jordan Smith, Andrea Vieux, and Matt Zeiner

· International Red Cross – Haumana DeBarthe, Christina Drennon, Ron Knox, Julia Patrick, and Natalie Patrick

East West Fall 2003 – 14 Delegates

Russian Federation – Begaiym Esenkuleva, Allison Beller, Ernesto Espindola, Sarah Coats, Kim Heath, Amy and Cindy Karnaze, Ashley-Michelle Papon, Jacob Torres, Jesse Prince, Elizabeth McConnell, Shannon Howard, Chad Fritz, Cole Long.

AMUN Fall 2005 – 16 Delegates

Bandon Bezner, Calvin Baumgarten, Jessica Bergman, Katie Brantingham, Andres Noory, Robert Peckham (team captain), Paige Houghton, Cortney Fowler, Kevin Broome, Rachel Young, Desiree Schumacher, Mick Larson, Emily Boullear, Christine Traner, Ben Freeman, Ryan Ngelale

NMUN 2006 – 18 Delegates

Robert Peckham (team captain), Christine Traner (team co-captain), Brandon Bezner (team co-captain), David Willis, Jessica Bergman, Rachel Young, Mick Larson, Nick Decamp, John Daniel Rowe, Purnell Kenn Yancy, Leanne Arnold, Desiree Schumacher, Kara Fleming, Kim Heath, Jill Smith, Maureen Coulterand, Tommy Waldorf, and Dr. Brian Wright (team advisor).

AMUN Fall 2006 16 Delegates for Spain and Portugal
Brandon Bezner, Morgan Honnold, Nick Decamp, Thomas Waldorf, Robert Peckham, Jon Roby, Barry Hersh, Rachel Young, Christine Traner.
Portugal J.D. Rowe,
Calvin Baumgarten, Kaori Wakabayashi, Estefania Bruzzone, Katie Taloney, David Smith, Christina Hentzen.

Mid-West MUN St. Louis – Spring 2007Delegates for Greece and Tanzania
Greece Tanzania 

Security Council John Thompson Alex Khan?
GA1st (Disarmament) Stephanie Goings
(Outstanding Delegation Award)
Mike Fields
GA2nd (Economic and Financial) Thomas Waldorf Kaori Wakabayashi
GA3rd (Social, Humanitarian, & Cultural) Morgan Honnold Samantha Poetter
GA4th (Special Political) Siu-Onn Chak Nick Sanders
ECOSOC Brian White Justin Anderson
(Honorable Mention Award)
UNESCO Christina Hentzen
(Honorable Mention Award)
Tanzania is not on this committee
Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Belinda Peñaloza Brandon Bezner
(Outstanding Delegation Award)
Peace-Building Commission Greece is not on this committee Betsy Mcleod

Award Receiving National MUN New York City 2007 Team representing France



General Assembly Plenary Brandon BeznerJCCC delegates
Special Political & Decolonization (GA4th) John Thompson & Calvin Baumgarten JCCC delegates
Conference on Disarmament (CD) Mike Fields from JCCC & Jonathan Dravis WSU
Security Council Lizzie Bernhart and Matt Goad WSU delegates
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Deronda Aiken and Kyle Aldrich WSU delegates
Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) Matt Long WSU Delegate
Betsy Mcleod filled in for last two days because Matt Long was sick
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Christine TranerandSiu-Onn Chak
World Tourism Organization (UNTWO) Kaori Wakabayashi & Samantha Poetter
World Food Program (WFP) Nadine Sauerwein & Brittany Stiffler WSU delegates
World Health Organization (WHO) Alex Khan & Betsy Mcleod JCCC
International Hydrological Program (IHP) Thomas Waldorf & David Willis JCCC
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) can only have one delegate on this committee Marcus Hedrick WSU delegate
Organization of American States (OAS) (Observer status) Stephanie Goings
African Development Bank (ADB) (Robert Peckham & Sofya Galich)
Council of Europe (CE) (Nick Sanders & Brian White JCCC)
Joint OPEC-IEA Workshop (OPEC-IEA) (Brandon Hottman WSU delegate)
Justin Anderson, Christina Hentzen and Rachel Young all helped with papers and preparing team but could not attend conference. JCCC Head Delegate Mick Larson

National Model UN Washington DC Team

Click on the below links for background guides
Australia Ukraine
General Assembly 1st: Disarmament Brandy Schmitz Stephanie Goings &
Calvin Baumgarten
General Assembly 3rd: Human Rights Amy Pepper Viktoryia Schnose
World Health Organization (WHO) Joe Denoon Brian White
United Nations Conference on Trade & Development (UNCTAD) Norman Decelles Jerome Berndt
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) not represented on this committee Jenn Edmonds
Head Delegate Calvin Baumgarten
Advisor Mick Larson


American MUN 2007 Committee Assignments Chicago IL



New Zealand

General Assembly Plenary

Jenn Edmonds

Lois grimshaw

GA 1st: Disarmament

Stephanie Goings

Brandy Schmitz

GA 2nd Economic and Financial

Brian White

Joe Denoon
Wesley Barnes

GA 3rd Social, Humanitarian and Cultural

Viktoryia Schnose

Sara Ash
Amy Pepper

GA 4th (Special Political & Decolonization)

Calvin Baumgarten
John Thomson

Nida Fatima

Economic and Social Council

(No delegate represented)

Jerome Berndt
Trent Brining

Commission on Social Development.

Norman Decelles

(No delegate represented)

Economic and Social Council for Asia and the Pacific

(No delegate represented)

Jared Hedge

Mid-West Model UN Conference St. Louis Assignments Feb. 2008

Peru Cuba
Security Council Jared Hedge (Honorable Mention Award) Not Represented
GA1st (Disarmament) Brandy Schmitz Jason Beury (Honorable Mention Award)
GA2nd (Economic and Financial) Hanna Kahng Kelly Parry
GA3rd (Social, Humanitarian, & Cultural) Lois Grimshaw Brian White
GA4th (Special Political) Celeste Gerleman
Danny Eakins
Nida Fatima
ECOSOC Not Represented Trent Brining (Outstanding Delegation Award)
Commission on Population and Development (CPD) Jamie Mills Not Represented
Human Rights Council (HRC) Norman Decelles Not Represented


National MUN New York City April 2008 Committee Assignments




Additional Security Council (ASC)
representing China

1. The Situation in Somalia
2. The Impact of Climate Change on Global Security
3. Post-Conflict Peace Building
WSU Not Represented
General Assembly Plenary
1. Breaking the Link Between Diamonds and Armed Conflict
2. The Promotion of Alternate Sources of Energy
3. Implementation of the 2001-2010 International Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries, Particularly in Africa
Jared Hedge
Nida Fatima
General Assembly First Committee: Disarmament and International Security
1. The Role of Private Military and Security Companies in Conflict
2. Combating the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons
3. Measures to Uphold the Authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol
Stephanie Goings
Jason Beury
General Assembly Second Committee: Economic and Financial
1. The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Development
2. The Politics and Economics of the External Debt Crisis
3.Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure Development
Haena Kahng
Lowell Fletcher
Trent Brining
Brandon Bezner (Chairing)
General Assembly Third Committee: Social, Humanitarian and Cultural
1. Evaluation and Implementation of the United Nations Literacy Decade
2. Cultural Property: Illicit Trafficking and Restitution
3. Combating the Spread of Illicit Drugs
Viktoryia Schnose
Economic and Social Council Plenary (ECOSOC)
1. International Cooperation for Migration Management
2. Global Management of Water and other Resources
3. Review of the Role of Civil Society
Lois Grimshaw
Danny Eakins
UN Human Settlements Programme (HABITAT)
1. The Provision of Housing for Displaced Peoples
2. Reversing the “Urban Penalty:” Empowering Vulnerable Urban Populations
3. Promoting Public Safety in Urban Areas
Norman Decelles
Stephanie Richner
UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII)
1. The Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property
2. Cultural Sensitivity in the Universal Promotion of Human Rights
3. Governance and Development: Empowering Indigenous Communities
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
1. Reintegrating Iran into International Regulations and Agreements
2. Implementation and Strengthening of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
3. Nuclear Materials Management
Brandy Schmitz
David Willis
Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
1. Development of Agriculture and Bio-Technology
2. The Fight Against Corruption/
3. Linking Tourism and Sustainable Growth in the Asian-Pacific Region


NMUN 2008 Xi’an Committee Assignments




General Assembly Plenary
Economic Development and Regional Cooperation
Preventing Armed Conflict in the International Community

Lowell Fletcher
Danny Eakins

ECOSOC Plenary
The Promotion of Food Security
Technology and Economic Development

Nida Fatima
Lois Grimshaw

Special Session on Global Warming
Economic Development and Its Impact on the Environment
Global Warming and the Effect on Biodiversity

Trent Brining
Roger Larson (Head Delegate)


AMUN 2008 Committee Assignments





1967 – Open Agenda *
Brandy Schmitz (not represented)

General Assembly Plenary:

2001-2010: Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries, Particularly in Africa
The Situation in Afghanistan
Matt Ross Donnie Hicks

First Committee (Disarmament and International Security):

The Relationship Between Disarmament and Development
Regional Disarmament
Maricela Tanon Jason Beury

Second Committee (Economic and Financial):

Industrial Development Cooperation
External Debt Crisis and Development
Joanna Mazurek Phillip Wolff

Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural):

Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief
Human Rights in the Administration of Justice
Franccesca Usseglio-Carbajal Olga Bogdan

Fourth Committee (Special Political & Decolonization):

Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories
Assistance in Mine Action
Sean Partain Ethan Taylor


Support to Non-Self-Governing Territories by the Specialized Agencies and International Institutions Associated with the United Nations
United Nations Public-Private Alliance for Rural Development
Annual Ministerial Review: Implementing the Internationally Agreed Goals and Commitments in Regard to Sustainable Development
Ahmad Mustafa

ECOSOC COMMISSION: Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking
International Cooperation in Combating Transnational Organized Crime and Corruption
Calvin Baumgarten (also head delegate) (Not Represented)
ECOSOC COMMISSION: Economic and Social Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

Subprogramme 3: Macroeconomic Policies and Growth
Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean

Ashlie Van Hoecke

(Not Represented)


Mid-West MUN St. Louis 2009

Committee Topics Canada
Link to Canadian Mission
Canadian Statement
Link to Poland’s Mission
Link to Poland’s Foreign Ministry

General Assembly First Committee:

A. Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects.

B. The role of the United Nations in missile defense

Donnie Hicks*

General Assembly Second Committee:

A. Preventing and combating corrupt practices and transfer of funds of illicit origin and returning such assets to the countries of origin.

B. Follow-up to and implementation of the outcome of the International Conference on Financing for Development

Matt Ross**(Honorable Mention Award) Phillip Wolff*
Calvin Baumgarten*
General Assembly 3rd

A. Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly.

B. Promotion and protection of the rights of children and to youth, ageing, disabled persons and the family.

Sarah Taylor** Olga Bogdan**

General Assembly 4

A. Economic and other activities which affect the interest of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories

B. The Promotion of Good Governance for Sustainable Development

JoAnn Mazurek


A. Poverty and the Environment

B. Implementation of the Convention on Biodiversity

C. Energy and the Environment

Jason Beury* (not represented by Poland)


A. Strengthening the coordination of the United Nation’s Emergency Humanitarian Aid Assistance

B. Technical assistance for Implementing the International Conventions and Protocols Relating to Terrorism

C. Evaluating The work of the United Nations Joint Programme on AIDS

Ashlie Van Hoecke (Honorable Mention Award) Adam Drovetta**


A. Eliminating Child Labor in the Workplace

B. Equality in the Workplace

C. Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining

Jessica Seitter (not represented by Poland)

Historical Security Council

A. The situation in the Falkland Islands

B. The situation in Afghanistan/Pakistan

(not represented by Canada) Brandy Schmitz


NMUN New York City 2009 award receiving team


Committee and Issues


General Assembly Plenary
1. New Approaches to Nuclear Non-Proliferation
2. Advancing United Nations Reform
3. The Impact of Migration on Development
Donnie Hicks Calvin Baumgarten
1st Committee (Disarmament and Int’l Security)
1. Upholding the Status of Prisoners of War According to the Third Geneva Convention
2. Fighting Illicit Trade and Trafficking of Nuclear Material
3. Preventing an Arms Race in Space
Brandy Schmitz Adam Drovetta
2nd Committee (Economic and Financial)
1. Climate Change Economics
2. Economic and Trade Policies to Address Food Price Volatility
3. External Trade and Macro-financial Assistance to Developing Countries.
Matt Ross
3rd Committee (Social, Cultural, Humanitarian)
1. Examining the Uses and Implementation of Technology in Educational and Social Development
2. Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Children in Conflict
3. Improving Emergency Response through Humanitarian Reform
Olga Bogdan Sarah Taylor
Food and Agriculture Organization.
1) The Impact of Bioenergy on Food Security
2) International and Regional Strategies to Address High Food Prices.
3) The Impact of Water Scarcity on Social and Economic Development.
JoAnn Mazurek Jason Beury
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Executive Committee (UNHCR Exec. Comm.)
1. Return and Reintegration of Refugees and Displaced Persons
2. Addressing the Refugee and IDP Situation in Chad and Sudan
3. Capacity Building in Regions with Refugee and IDP Populations
Trent Brining Ashlie Van Hoecke
African Development Bank (ADB)
1. Analyzing the Impact of Intra Regional Migration on Development
2. Promoting Regional Trade and integration
3. Strengthening Mechanisms to Prevent Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing
Heather Odell
World Trade Organization (WTO)
1. Furthering Trade Facilitation Based on the 2005 Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration
2. The Relationship between WTO Rules and Multilateral Environmental Trade Agreements
3. The Role Regional Trade Agreements in the International Trading System
Jessica Seitter


2011 NMUN Delegation received Outstanding Delegation Award


Committee and Issues

General Assembly First Committee (GA1) (Disarmament and International Security)
1. Conventional ammunitions surplus stockpiles
2. The role of science and technology in the context of international security and disarmament
3. Disarmament, demobilization, and demining: prerequisites for peace in Africa.

Peter Vanderhurst James Khalif
General Assembly Second Committee (GA2) (Economic and Financial)
1. Assuring developing countries’ sovereignty over their natural resources.
2. External debt and development: Towards a durable solution to the debt problems of developing countries.

3. Promoting sustainable development practices in transnational corporations.
Jeremy Williams Ryan Donovan
General Assembly Third Committee (GA3) (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural)
1. Human rights, cultural integrity, and diversity
2. Promoting alternative development strategies to combat the world drug trade.
3. Protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism.

Janice Amos Margarita Zunig

Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
1. Promoting gender equality as a means to combat HIV incidence in the Asia and Pacific region.
2. Strengthening development policies for social inclusion
3. Achieving energy security through energy diversity

Kumar Shretha

Dustin Morris

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
1. Protection of street children and their re-integration into society
2. Providing protection to the disabled child
3. Protecting children’s rights in legal conflicts

Nicole Taylor

Fatuma Kelleh

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) “Writes Reports”
1. Pharmaceutical patents and the fight against HIV/AIDS in developing nations.
2. Differentiated intellectual property rights for environmental and climate technologies
3. Patenting life: Intellectual property and complex structures

Nick Makin

Joshua T. Delaney

International Court of Justice (ICJ) “passes judgment”
1. Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Racial Discrimination (Georgia vs. Russian Federation)
2. Certain criminal proceedings in France (Republic of the Congo vs. France)

Maxwell Matite

(only one delegate on ICJ)

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference (NPT)
1. Practical measures to implement Article VI
2. Nuclear security as the “Fourth Pillar” of the NPT
3. Article X and deterring withdrawal from the NPT

Andrew Snow

Matt Lantz

Alternate: Ben Brown






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