2015 Award Paper for United Kingdom – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Position Paper for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

The topics before the United Nations Development Programme are: Building Democratic Governance by Expanding Access to Justice; Fostering Developing Countries’ Capacities for Climate Change Adaptation; Improving Access to Water and Sanitation for Socioeconomic Development. The United Kingdom is dedicating to creating an environment for good governance, to aid the environment, and to realize the sustainable developmental goals.

I: Building Democratic Governance by Expanding Access to Justice

The United Kingdom (UK) recognizes expanding access to justice in order to build democratic governance as a crucial key to improving conditions in developing nations. As one of the largest donors to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UK is eager to continue its assistance and form partnerships with any efforts to expand access to justice, with an emphasis on sustainability, in order to build and maintain a more democratic government. The UK is a strong advocate for prodemocracy development. UK has supported the Coalition Provisional Authority during the Iraq conflict in 2003, and recommends its structure as a form of transitional government to provide stability for countries under duress and conflict. Recalling resolution 1483 of the United Nations (UN) Security Council, UK recommends nations to utilize sources such as the UNDEF, a UN General Trust Fund that’s used to support democratization initiatives. Noting A/RES/60/164, the UK acknowledges and respects different principles of national sovereignty and the diversity of the democratic system. Recalling A/RES/62/150, the UK requests for UNDP to form partnerships with the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Department of Field Support of the Secretariat, and to work with the Electoral Assistance Division in order to ensure equal voting processes. The UK urges countries to encourage gender equality, and integrate it into educational projects on the local and regional levels, such as workshops on creating a constitution, community development, how to run a political campaign, and other initiatives such as accessible resource facilities and increased efforts on the marketing and promotion of democratization. The UK encourages countries to utilize the United Nations General Trust Fund to support democratization efforts around the world. Understanding that financial assistance is needed in order to promote and support democratic governance, UK recommends countries to establish clauses and targets for countries to achieve before funds will be provided, such as showing active advocacy or education on democratization., and achieving results. The UK recommends funds to be offered on a situational basis and provided upon invitation by the elected body of the transitional government.  UK further encourages development in efforts to form a representative government to afford equal rights and justice to all citizens, without fear and threat of security, and especially recalls Resolution 1325 (2000) on women to that effect. The UK urges nation states to look towards assisting developing countries in creating a reliable and accountable governing democratic body that’s results driven. The checks and balances system, as well as separation of department and duties, will be able to help manage risks and balance control. Measurements in the effectiveness the aid a country produces will depend on the region they are in. Through the use of regional, public, and private partnerships, the UK affirms the creation of a regional board, utilizing comprehensive community capacity building (CCB) and sustainability techniques through staff training and implementation of standardized tools, run on an electoral basis, where citizens choose a representative, and the representative will vote according to region. In the long run, UK understands that these large scale survey and data collection methods will be able to boost awareness, promote trainings, and increase workshop attendance.

II: Fostering Developing Countries’ Capacities for Climate Change Adaptation

The UK recognizes fostering developing countries’ capacities for climate change adaptation as a critical topic to be analyzed. The UK is committed to providing greater support for countries to prepare for and recover from disasters. As one of the largest donors to the UNDP, UK is looking forward to continue increasing awareness and promoting aid effectiveness, emphasizing sustainability in capacity development for climate change, both across the UN system, and through the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) defines climate change adaptation as “actions taken to allow communities and ecosystems to cope with changing climate conditions”. Recognizing it’s importance, the UK recommends nation states utilize the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in order to further this discussion on an annual basis regionally, and come together in order to create a plan that includes impact reporting, improving air quality, protecting water quality, reducing litter and encouraging recycling practices, enforcing environmental laws, staffing temporary facilities and operations in areas of higher risk, mainstreaming climate change adaptation, and ensuring support for most vulnerable people and places. UK recommends nations to assist developing countries reinforce their schools, creating community shelters, and having warning signals and measures in case of drought or other natural disaster. Flood monitoring systems implemented in Mozambique, and regional cooperation of hurricane warning systems in the Caribbean, has improved precautionary and prevention measures among the citizens and as a result, caused a drastic drop in death tolls. UK encourages agreements and initiatives focusing on access to clean water, shelter, and food aid to the countries most affected by natural disasters. Understanding that in order to prevent further climate change and be better equipped for adaptation, people need to be educated and understand the cause and effects, as well as how to prevent further damages to the climate., the UK recommends the utilization of the World Food Programme (WFP), the World Health Organization (WHO), before the UNDP can assist with providing structure and assistance with the recovery process. In high-risk areas, the UK suggests calling upon the UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) system, which is to assist international relief through assessment, coordination, and information management in the emergency response mission at the national or local level. UNDAC’s provision of an On-Site Operations Coordination Centre (OSOCC) can be implemented to resolve any emergencies and search and rescues, noted in the UN General Assembly resolution 57/170. The UK recommends nations to create systems with the help of UNDAC in tandem with the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) and International Committee of the Red Cross, to create training programs in order to better prepare locals in future response needs, having a defined methodology for facilitating and coordinating established structures and procedures, and also ensuring proper equipment is available to each respective situation and location.

III: Improving Access to Water and Sanitation for Socioeconomic Development

The UK recognizes improving access to water and sanitation as a pivotal aspect to socioeconomic development. As one of the largest donors to the UNDP. The UK is looking to continue partnerships and efforts in promoting access to clean water and sanitation with an emphasis in promoting sustainability in socioeconomic development, both across the UN system, and through the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation. In order to improve access to water, UK recommends a three part plan. Monitored by the World Bank, the UK urges the body to utilize the UN Water and Sanitation Program to monitor water quality. The UK is deeply concerned about the quality and lack of accessibility of clean water and sanitation in developing nations. Recognizing that not all nations are properly prepared or equipped with adequate medical assistance and training, the UK recommends nations to utilize assistance from the World Health Organization (WHO) and implement educational workshops so that people can be better prepared for any outbreaks. Recalling A/RES/58/217, not only should focus be directed towards improving access, it should incorporate sustainability measures. Noting the importance of having adequate financial and technical resources in order to create change, UK recommends the report process made by the French Water Academy, which also presents financial support in reaching more sanitary conditions once goals and objectives are reached. Recalling A/RES/63/32 presented by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), UK stresses that provision of financial and technical resources, as well as capacity-building and access to the transfer of technology, is crucial to the assistance of those in developing nations affected by climate change, and reminds the body of the commitments made during the fourth replenishment of the Global Environment Facility Trust Fund. Noting the progress made in the World Panel of Financing Water Infrastructure, the UK recommends centralized government actions, allotments for the local government and water authorities, and also the promotion of the local capital market. The UK suggests centralizing government actions in order to more effectively meet the MDGs and also fulfil the agreement for additional official development assistance (ODA) for water. The UK recommends municipalities to cooperate in credit pools to raise finance. National development banks could also be considered as a sustainable source of funding for local bodies, and holding accountability can be done through credit ratings. Recognizing that there are variances in how water is managed, the UK suggests the simplification and standardization of any contract, lease, and other form of agreement, while reducing or removing unnecessary constraints of loans and aid, in order to streamline the process and make it more efficient. The UK suggests creating a regional monitoring body, in order to unite all sources and keep all organizers on the same page; that would not only help with studying and comparing which are the most effective practices, but it would contribute to mutual financial and technical support. Recalling the World Water Council’s panel, the UK notes that a Revolving Fund made of grant money to finance and support projects based on project bids, with an advisory board of legal, financial and technical experts, would be beneficial to discovering what best practices would be for each respective region or country. In order to hold donors accountable to their commitments of ODA, donors should be guided and assisted by the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC), and coordinate efforts to avoid waste and fragmentation which was typical of earlier water programmes. Suggested by the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer for an international facility, it is important for governments to join international bodies that manage financial distributions towards water projects. The UK promotes water project development and especially encourage participatory development projects.