JCCC Model UN team success 2005/2006

American Model UN Conference Chicago IL Nov. 2005
The JCCC Model United Nations team received an Outstanding Position Paper award at National Conference The JCCC Model United Nations team received an Outstanding Position Paper award for their 12 position papers representing Mali presented at the 2006 National Model United Nations Conference New York City April 11-15, 2006. Eighteen JCCC students competed for the award against 300+ other Universities and Colleges from across North, South America and the world. JCCC team’s success is attributed to Robert Peckham (team captain), Christine Traner (team co-captain), Brandon Bezner (team co-captain), David Willis, Jessica Bergman, Rachel Young, Mick Larson, Nick Decamp, John Daniel Rowe, Purnell Kenn Yancy, Leanne Arnold, Desiree Schumacher, Kara Fleming, Kim Heath, Jill Smith, Maureen Coulterand, Tommy Waldorf, and Dr. Brian Wright (team advisor).


   The JCCC Model United Nations team received an Outstanding Delegation award for its portrayal of France at the 2006Mid-West Model United Nations St. Louis February 22-25, 2006.

Midwest Model UN St. Lousi

In addition, the team won three Honorable Mention awards. The Honorable Mention awards went to Jessica Bergman and John Daniel Rowe for their portrayal of France’s position on the General Assembly First Committee regarding the issues of “The problem of regional nuclear disarmament” and “The role of the UN in compliance verification.” The second Honorable Mention award went to Roger Larson, John Lee, Purnell Kenn Yancy, and Nick Decamp for their portrayal of France’s position on Economic and Social Council regarding the issues of the “Evaluation of ECOSOC for the purpose reform,” “Facilitating development and reconstruction efforts following natural disasters,” and the “Protection of human rights in combating terrorism.” The last Honorable Mention award went to Justin Hunt and Calvin Baumgarten for their portrayal of France’s position on the General Assembly Fourth committee regarding the issues of “Required review of Peacekeeping operations,” and the “Application of the Geneva Convention to occupied Israeli territory.”


Team received an Outstanding Delegation Award for its portrayal of Kenya at the November 18-22, 2005 at the American Model United Nations International conference.
The team’s success was led by Brandon Bezner who exceptionally represented Kenya in the General Assembly. In addition to Brandon, the JCCC team included Calvin Baumgarten, Jessica Bergman, Katie Brantingham, Andres Noory, Robert Peckham (team captain), Paige Houghton, Cortney Fowler, Kevin Broome, Rachel Young, Desiree Schumacher, Mick Larson, Emily Boullear, Christine Traner, Ben Freeman, Ryan Ngelale and Dr. Brian Wright (team advisor).

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