Worry not, Cavs: you still have a couple of weeks to enjoy your summer. But The Campus Ledger staff is hard at work preparing Issue 1 for your enjoyment, and it comes out Thursday, August 23.

What to watch for:
- Some staff members have been forced out of their offices due to the SCI building sinking into the ground. Find out what’s going on and what’s being done about the problem.
- Learn about the college’s new photographer, Susan McSpadden, who has filled the position her predecessor, Bret Gustafson, held for 31 years.
- Students are starting a club on campus to enjoy the game Go, which originated in ancient China.
- Find out the details of the newly negotiated Faculty Association contract.
- Rebranding continues. Get the latest updates.
Enjoy the rest of your summer, and if you can’t quell your desire for news, keep watching this site for updates in the meantime.