Police Briefs


Industrial carpet cleaner stolen

One of the college’s industrial-grade carpet cleaners, valued at approximate­ly $2000, was stolen sometime between Aug. 8 and Sept. 5. The machine was last seen on the second floor of the Carlsen Center. On Sept. 5, it was discovered that the inventory decal had been moved from the missing machine and place on another similar machine and that ma­chine’s serial number was scratched off.


iPad stolen in food court

A student dining in the north side of the food court, left his lunch and iPad on the table when he went to get napkins from the serving area. When he went back to his table 15 minutes later, the iPad was gone. It was valued at $800. The incident took place on Tuesday, Sept 16.


Phone stolen in ITC

A student placed his phone in his sweatshirt, rolled up the sweatshirt and carried it under his arm on the way to his BNSF class in ITC. An hour later, he checked for his phone and realized it was missing. The student then retraced his steps but didn’t see the phone. The inci­dent was on Tuesday, Sept. 16 between 7:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. The student re­ported he was not concerned with the phone’s monetary value but with his per­sonal information stored on the phone.


Wooden pallets stolen

Four wooden pallets, valued at ap­proximately $60 dollars were stolen from a trailer by the south recycling com­pound when the gate was left unlocked. The trailer was clearly marked with a sign that read, “NO Stealing, JCCC Prop­erty.” A sign adjacent to the trailer read, “NO TRESPASSING VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED.” The theft was re­ported on Wednesday, Sept. 17.


Cash stolen from fanny pack

A woman left a fanny pack containing her identification, credit cards and cash on the bench in front of the lockers in the dining service’s women’s locker room in the commons basement. She started her shift at 7 a.m. and when she returned a 3 p.m., the money was missing though the ID and cards were not.


Compiled by Christina Lieffring, news editor, clieffri@jccc.edu



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