Police Briefs


Chicken sandwich stolen

A food court employee reported to cam­pus police a student shoplifted a chicken sandwich. The employee, who witnessed the theft and triggered the alarm to alert police, identified the student to the officer. The student was taken into custody.

Money stolen from wallet

A student reported to campus police that someone had stolen $30 from his wal­let when he left it unattended at the Field­house. The victim did not name a suspect and there were no witnesses.

Cell phone stolen from testing center

A student put his backpack in a locker in the testing center, but after locking it real­ized he had forgotten to put his cell phone and other property in the locker. The stu­dent then placed his phone behind a chair next to the lockers. When he returned, the phone was missing.
Compiled by Christina Lieffring, news editor, clieffri@jccc.edu



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