by Shawn Simpson
Staff Reporter
Student Senate president John Rives encourages involvement and leadership among student body.
“This year we are looking to do more activities … It could be something as simple as getting the Frisbee or the football out in fountain square,” said Rives. “We’re looking [to] make sure the experience for the students is the best it can be.”

The Student Senate currently has a number of at-large seats available. Rives would like to see a full senate this year and encourages all students to get involved on campus.
“I believe that with 30 senators, we can achieve a lot on the campus and be doing the most good for the greatest number of students,” Rives said.
The Student Senate is the liaison between the administration and student body. Changes in policy that affect the student experience will have the input of the Senate. Mindy Kinnaman, manager of Student Life and Leadership Development, encourages all students to consider running for election to the Student Senate.
“We want all types of students, so that they can know and grow and represent those people in these meetings,” said Kinnaman.
Any student wanting to run for Student Senate must complete the election packet and return it to COM 309 by Sept. 2. Elections will be held on Sept. 8-10. For more information, students are invited to stop by the Center for Student Involvement in COM 309 or call (913) 469-3534.