Summer internships now available

“As a learning experience, I did not know anything about sustainability coming into it and I have learned more than I could have imagined,” student Elizabeth Cloud said. The internship requires a student to work 630 hours a year which can be divided up to match a student's schedule at the college. Photo by Henry Lubega, The Campus Ledger

Alicia Allison

Staff reporter

Internship postings are available in every department, including the Center for Sustainability and Industrial Technology department. Students can also go online to to browse through almost 200,000 available openings.

“We have internships available in almost all of my programs such as automotive and welding,” said Richard Fort, interim dean of the Technology Division. “We want the internships to be something to get credit for. It needs to be something that’s related to what [the students] are doing in school.”

Along with internships, the Industrial Technology department now requires job shadowing in their graphic analysis course within local companies at the technician level. Job shadowing is already offered through the career center and is available for any student enrolled at the college.

“What we did in our program, was make [job shadowing] a requirement for the class,” said Tom Hughes, Chair of the Drafting department. “This is the first semester we have actually rolled it out, and we have gotten pretty good feedback so far.”

Like most departments at the college, the Industrial Technology department offers internship courses every semester that are available for the students. The internships offer experience at local companies for college credit. Though most internships are external, the Sustainability department offers internships that take place on campus.

“Almost every semester, I have at least one opening [for an internship],” said Krystal Anton, Recycling and Waste Minimization Coordinator for the Center of Sustainability. “We usually post it three to four weeks before the end of the semester, and it’s paid. You can stay for more than one semester. So, it’s 630 hours a year and we can divide that out, depending on how long you’re going to be here. I’ve had interns that stayed six semesters in a row.”

Students that work through the center for only need to be enrolled in one course at the college in order to apply for an internship. The interns take part in various activities such as driving the tractor around the farm and dumping trash into a compost.

“I’ve been an intern here for four semesters,” said student Elizabeth Cloud. “I have learned about what’s recyclable and why it’s recyclable. The things that are compostable are more than people would expect and seeing the science behind waste production has been really, really interesting. So stats from the waste audit to even just how much we put in of compost versus sawdust and woodchips and how it affects the temperatures is fascinating to me. I’m going toward environmental science, so the science behind it is really intriguing.”



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