Students attended Cav Kickoff on August 23, getting to know various clubs and organizations, local businesses and each other.

After losing to Christian Leonard, jousting volunteer Sabree White, student, prepares to get back up for another round. Photo by Margaret Mellott, The Campus Ledger

Looking at the poster, Sabree White, Intervarsity member explains to a student what the “What’s your passion?” poster is about. Photo by Margaret Mellott, The Campus Ledger

While a student signs up for the club, Shelby Otte, president of the Gender and Sexuality Alliance club, explains that “the club is a safe place … We’re trying to get the word out.” Photo by Margaret Mellott, The Campus Ledger

Photo of last year’s Cav Kickoff, Hemos Joel, student, jousts. Photo by Margaret Mellott, The Campus Ledger

While hula hooping as a part of the Student Lounge set up, Sara Coble, student laughs as she tries to keep the hula hoop up. Photo by Margaret Mellott, The Campus Ledger

Student Augie Gilbreath performs for a group of students to promote the CoLab during Cav Kickoff. Photo by Spencer Carey, The Campus Ledger

Hundreds of students filed through Fountain Square for Cav Kickoff. Cav Kickoff is an annual Welcome Week event for new students to get info on clubs and organizations at the college. Photo by Spencer Carey, The Campus Ledger

Students Cole Coffman (left) and John Rash (right) practice parkour in Fountain Square during Cav Kickoff. Photo by Spencer Carey, The Campus Ledger

In order to get students involved, Student Lounge employees Ana Maria Marmolejo, Brittany Martin and Munisa Khuramova participate in a Wii dance game. Photo by Margaret Mellott, The Campus Ledger