Graham Murphy
Reporting correspondent
On Valentine’s Day at the Billington Library, you could see a brightly decorated scene of pink hearts and faculty inviting you to come “love your library.”
The open house was intended to celebrate the library, display some of the services offered there and provide fun activities for the attendees. It also showcased a variety of historic photographs of the library over the years in black and white.
Standing by the table, John Russell, a librarian at the college since 1977, has seen it in all its stages of development. Russell explained to student passers by what the outdated machines in the pictures were; microfilm readers, where students used to search for long periods of time through reels of film for their desired article.
With new database technology, Russell states that it has made it easier for students to use.
“Ease of access has changed everything,” Russell said.
At one table, sponsored by the Department of Fashion Merchandising and Design, a flat-screen displayed pictures of bright pink and red Valentine’s Day themed dresses. They have utilized the databases as a medium for providing pictures of their work to the public.
Between the “blind date a book” table and the cookie creation station, at the library help desk, a booth was set up which parodied Lucy’s advice booth from The Peanuts.
“Librarians love questions,” said Jessica Tipton, librarian. “That way we learn something new every day.”
The librarians, however, weren’t the only people there to inform students of the services they provide. Also present were the technical support workers, many of whom were students, promoting their new remote site.
This remote site is located in LIB 121C, designed as a more convenient location for students who are experiencing technical difficulties.
Kim Manifold, manager, Technical Support Center said she believes it’s important to “meet the students where they are.”
To find more information on the library and the different opportunities they offer, click here.