International student athletes discuss their paths to the college

By Landen Fields



Landen Fields: JCCC has a very diverse campus. All different types of people from all different walks of life. There are even a number of students from over seas. This can be seen with athletics as well. There are 20 foreign-born athletes on the JCCC teams. I spoke to a couple of these foreign born players to see why they chose JCCC.

Colby Ring: So I’ve never actually been anywhere in the midwest. So like I had no idea what Kansas City was going to be like. And then when I first came down here and toured the city a little bit and you know I fell in love with it and I knew it was going to be my home for a couple years. And uh you know growing up I’ve always kind of liked the Royals so it was just I love the city and everything so it was good.

Aina Blanch: So here you have the opportunity to study and play soccer at a good level and that’s good. In Spain you don’t really have the opportunity to play and study at the same time because universities don’t have athletics teams. So that’s why many people come here to study and play at the same time.

Announcer: For The Campus Ledger, I’m Landen Fields.



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