Caleb Durland (Announcer): Wednesday, Oct. 30 was Day of the Dead for JCCC students. The event was put on by the L.U.N.A. Club. Let’s see what the president of the club had to say about the event.
Diania Romero-Arellano: So this event is basically paying homage to the people that have passed away. Let people just express the ones that have passed from their family and give them a celebration for their life and what they did and just to keep their memory alive through the years.
Announcer: We also asked a JCCC student what the event meant to her.
Rachel Giacin: It helps deal with death. It actually makes me feel closer to my family. It makes me not fear death like everyone else makes it seem like. Like you need to be afraid of it, but it actually shows that it’s not an end.
Announcer: And I’m Caleb Durland with the Campus Ledger.