JCCC bookstore offers book drive thru
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Students who opt-in to the contactless pick up service can follow the signs of the bookstore that lead to the gym parking lot where people like JCCC employee Hsiu Yu Lu can help them to get their books for the semester.

The bookstore is now open but with COVID-19 still very active in the Johnson County community multiple avenues of support are avaible. Making it easier for students to get books and other items without having to come to campus.

Books are vital for learning and almost every class requires a textbook, however, with JCCC trying to limit foot traffic as much as possible for this fall semester students are asking how they are supposed to get their books. The bookstore has devised a way for students to safely get their textbooks with contactless pickup and delivery options. Here, books sit ready to be picked up by students.

JCCC employee Gangawee Sutsunthorn helps a student to get their books. Students must wait till they get an order confirmation email and present an order number when picking up their books.

he bookstore has had its challenges with COVID-19 however, despite any challenges they had to face they still have managed to figure out how to run an efficient operation.

The start of fall semester is busy for everyone in college the bookstore is no exception. With new methods of getting books to students the bookstore had to call on other departments at jccc to help. With the gym letting them use space, catering, and bookstore employees lending a hand they have been able to manage a successful beginning to the fall semester.

Vy Ngo and Hsiu Yu Lu work to fulfill a student’s order. At the contactless pickup teams of two work together to help get every student’s order to them.

Pictured from left to right Kristine Herman, Vy Ngo, and Hsiu Yu Lu firgure out a problem with a students order. “We have wonderful faculty, students, and staff at this college that reallly all work together” Herman said. “The bookstores main focus was helping students adjust as much as our role would allow us to help them adjust to a remote learning enviroment.”