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Before each visit onto the JCCC campus, students will need to complete a wellness self-check. The self-check questions can be viewed on the JCCC website. One of the first symptoms to look for is a fever of 100.4 or above. You may also experience a new cough or having problems breathing. If you check yes to any questions make sure to stay home, contact your professor to report the assessment, and contact your healthcare provider for further instructions.

Other symptoms to look out for are chills and repeated shaking with chills. These symptoms can be common in other illnesses so make sure to check in with your primary healthcare provider or local minute clinic to get more information on what to do.

While conducting your wellness self-check make sure to think about if you have had a headache in the last 48 hours. Headaches is a common symptoms in people who are not hospitalized.

Another common symptom of COVID-19 is muscle pain. Unlike pain you may get from working out, this kind makes it so that the muscle is sensitive to the touch. This pain will be all over instead of specific areas as well as lasting longer than it would from exercise muscle pain.