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Next, you will be making the pie crust mix. Pour 1 cup of flour, ½ cup of Crisco, 1 teaspoon of salt, and ¼ cup of water into a bowl together and mix.

After you have poured all the ingredients in a bowl together start to knead the mixture. The mixture should start to become a dense texture but for a more flaky crust don’t over-knead.

Next, sprinkle enough flour on your counter so that the dough mixture will not stick. Pour a little flour on top of the dough and start to roll the mixture out until it is spread smoothly, thinly, and evenly. Make sure to not roll out the dough too thin to the point of breaking.

It is time to pour in your cherry filling. Make sure to keep the filling below the top of the pie dough so that the filling does not pour over once baking. Spread the filling evenly.

For this portion, you may need to make another mixture of the pie dough. If you have enough leftover mixture from before use that. Slice the dough to make think slices to lattice the strips. Make sure the strips do not go over the pie pan.

After latticing whisk up an egg and use a brush or spatula to place a thin even coat of the egg over the strips of dough. This is called an egg wash.