Every May, the Cav Craze event celebrates the end of the academic year for freshman or graduating students. This event is like Cav Kickoff which is held every August and serves as the welcoming of students. Both events give the opportunity for students to come together and enjoy different activities planned by the student activities department and connect to other people on campus.
“Cav Craze is an outdoor festival held on campus,” Cassie Fulk, manager of student activities, said. “It always happens the Wednesday before finals. It is an event meant for students who are ending the semester to relax before finals and enjoy the food and activities that are offered.”
Cav Craze will be held May 5 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and is open for all students that want to join. This event will include things like food, gift bags, outdoor activities and dance performances by the Golden Girls.
“Cav Craze has always been an event I am excited about,” Javier Bulla, student, said. “This event always provides an opportunity to see a good variety of four-year schools all side-by-side, this is helpful towards the end of the semester because a lot of students are transferring.”
Besides having universities present in this event, all the college clubs and organizations will have a presence. For students that are planning to come back next semester it is the perfect day to get to know the campus life. They can get connected to campus and all the clubs that are available for students to be a part of.
“It also helps students get to know each other,” Bulla said. “If you are a student who is coming back on the fall this event will help you get informed in the type of activities and clubs the college has each year and it would help you feel more connected to campus.”
Behind all the activities and fun, there is a lot of preparation for this event. Student ambassadors plan this event months in advance for it to be perfect and full of different activities.
“It is a really fun event to plan,” Paola Hernandez, student ambassador, said. “It’s an event that we all work hard on because it is important for students to be connected to campus, and to know that coming to campus is not only coming for classes. You could also have fun with all the activities and events we host. Cav Craze is meant for students to enjoy this side of campus and to also find a possible transfer opportunity.”
Even though Cav Craze was cancelled last year, this year everything is building up for it to be a magnificent event. So, get ready to get your cavalier spirit up and enjoy this May 5 the return of Cav Craze.
For more information on the event visit @jcccstudentlife on Instagram
By Mariana Figueroa