Senter Presents at Once Upon an Artifact

At 7:15 p.m. on Sept. 17, Marilyn Senter, professor of English, will present on American School Primers as part of the “Once Upon an Artifact” event at the Johnson County Arts and Heritage Center.  Here is a summary of Senter’s presentation from the program: “Textbooks of the 19th and 20th century were not phonic-friendly stories that populate our schools today.  In this presentation, we will look briefly at some of the common primers which Kansas students might have used, and we will discuss the moral lessons embedded in the reading.”

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Cantwell Reviews Burns’s Country Music in New Yorker

In the New Yorker online, David Cantwell, adjunct professor of English, reviews Ken Burns’s 16-hour PBS documentary, Country Music. Cantwell’s thorough review, titled “Ken Burns’s Delightful ‘Country Music’ Gets the Big Things Mostly Right,” summarizes the some of the most significant artists featured in the documentary and highlights the fresh approaches that Burns has taken with the genre.  According to Cantwell, a viewer will leave the documentary realizing that “country music is not, and has never been, static.”

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Workman Story Published

Adjunct Professor Craig Workman‘s piece “Hallibray’s Riverbank Time” was accepted for a three-author novelette titled Treasure Chest. The book is set to be published in hard-copy by Scarlet Leaf Press out of Toronto, and will be released in late-fall.

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Cantwell and Country Music

David Cantwell, adjunct professor of English, recently wrote about Tanya Tucker for the New Yorker online.  His essay, published on August 23, 2019, reviews her career and her latest album, While I’m Livin’. In his review, Cantwell argues that Tucker’s album may be the best of her career.

Also, on Thursday, August 29, in conjunction with the Mid-Continent Public Library and KCPT, Cantwell will discuss country music’s greatest songs as part of a sneak peek for Ken Burns’ newest documentary, Country Music.   The event will start at 6:30 pm in the Midwest Genealogy Center Community Hall, 3440 S. Lee’s Summit Road, Independence, MO 64055.

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Senter, Thum, and College Now

Over the summer in their capacity as College Now liaisons, Marilyn Senter, professor of English, and Gretchen Thum, associate professor of Journalism, created materials needed for re-accreditation with the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP).  The liaisons were required to describe what they do in several different situations (training new faculty, creating professional development activities, conducting site visits, etc.) and submit all the documents they use for those occasions.  They also submitted a document discussing how their departments address academic freedom, how they ensure rigor and reliability, and how they include CN faculty in the department.  

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