Sayanti Gunguly Puckett Awarded Sabbatical Fall 2023

This is from Sayanti:

Sabbatical Proposal

Topic: The Golem

Stories of the golem can be traced back to early Judaism and the Talmud. Indeed, Adam, it is said, was created as a golem. By the 1910s and 1920s, this figure gained wider and more intense appreciation with the emergence of a “golem cult” across the U.S. and Europe. Since then, tales of this anthropomorphic clay monster from Jewish mythology have appeared in a variety of mediums and genres, including prose and graphic novels, video games, movies, and theater productions, capturing the imaginations of people across the world.

The golem has undertaken many roles: protector, companion, helper, detective, and destroyer. Indeed, the golem can be friend or foe, and despite being created to serve and obey its creator, it can also be an unpredictable force that brings destruction in its wake. Given these dynamics, it has, over the years, become an enthralling mythological creation. My research objectives for this sabbatical center around bringing several of these disparate threads together: the golem has been associated with mass murder and destruction as well as hope and protection, isolation and community. I would like to explore the golem and the symbolism behind it from these contradictory angles that juxtapose the figure as a subservient defender of the oppressed Jews and as a monster over whom his creator has lost control and who then runs amok slaughtering those it is created to protect. These opposing presentations of the golem in terms of meaning and symbolism, oftentimes in the same text or movie, are startling. I would like to continue my research to make sense of these clashing propensities to understand how this figure, that supposedly does not have any agency of its own, can become such a bewildering yet ominous figure to Christians and Jews alike. Additionally, in the ultimate destruction of the golem, I would like to explore societal anxieties, fears, and securities about the loss of power as reflected in the version of the tale in which the Rabbi loses control of the golem and is forced to immobilize it.

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James Cooper Publishes

James Cooper had had his chapbook Listening for Low Tide, which emphasizes the presence of sound and the act of listening, published recently. Paper copies can be ordered from Amazon. During 2022, poems of his appeared in Poetica Review, New Note Poetry, Abandoned Mine, and Flint Hills Review. More work is forthcoming in Evening Street Review.

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Tom Reynolds Publishes

Tom Reynolds has poems published in the latest issues of Flint Hills Review and Spitball: The Literary Baseball Magazine as well as poems accepted for forthcoming issues of I-70 Review, Spitball, and Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature.


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Michael Carriger Publishes on PBS Learning Media

Michael Carriger and Bill Patterson selected clips from a documentary (Rediscovering John Berryman) on poet John Berryman and created lesson plans for high school English teachers.  The site above houses those plans, the clips, and additional resources, examining Berryman’s The Dream Songs, his relationship with his contemporaries, his writing in the mid-twentieth century, and questions of reception and audiences.  Their work with the documentary’s producer stems from a presentation they made at the Berryman at 100 Conference at the University of Minnesota in 2014 and the subsequent publication of that presentation in John Berryman:  Centenary Essays in 2017.  Rediscovering John Berryman premiered on PBS in the fall of 2022.

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Leanna Brunner Presents

Leanna Brunner’s research proposal titled, “The Cognitive Impact of Writing on Mental Health” was accepted for presentation at the KCTE (The Kentucky Council of Teachers of English) in March 2023.  She will be presenting at Murray State University, where she is getting her doctorate.

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