Do you know any international students at JCCC? Do you have classmates with immigrant parents or who immigrated here during their childhood? If so, those students probably went through the International and Immigrant Student Services, or the IISS at JCCC located on the top floor of the student center. The IISS is a vital part of JCCC and stopping by the international students center would be worth your while.
Each semester, JCCC hosts over 1,300 immigrant and non-immigrant students. The IISS office gives assistance to these students through housing and financial assistance for undocumented immigrants, DACA applicants, and refugees seeking asylum in the United States, according to the IISS website.
Kim Steinmetz, the director of the International and Immigrant Student Services, said that the programs were started by then-counselor Dave Ellis in 2003, and explained what the IISS does to support students.
“[The IISS helps students with] admission assistance, federal regulations advisements, acculturation support, guidance for accessing medical and community services, cultural events, and coaching on life processes.”
Steinmetz said there are students from over 112 different countries at JCCC, which helps the campus feel more rich and diverse with international and immigrant students.
“We want students to know our staff is globally minded and here to support them through all aspects of their college experience,” Stenmetz said. “We are a second home to them and are invested in their success.”
Eliana Klathis, features editor