SooC – Water and Love

I’m WAY behind on this. Right after the Rally in the 100 Acre Wood, my schedule exploded! (vomited more like) I’ve not had much free time since. 🙁 I’m going to try to get caught back up now that the semester is just about at a close and the first two are Week 6 and Week 7’s topics Water and Love.


I had better hopes for this one than how it turned out. Honestly, I was hoping to catch a water crossing on stage at the rally and use that, but that never happened so I’m stuck with this shot of the creek right beside the Steelville, MO city park where Friday’s Parc Expose was. I should have had a polarizer on the lens. That would have helped cut some of the glare and enhance some of the contrast. I wanted some of the lens flare from the Sun, but I think I got too much.



Who says roses are out of style? I got this along with 11 others for Tabatha. This is images in front of my upright grand with a off-camera strobe.

More to come soon!

Check out my fellow Project SooC52 photographers.

2 thoughts on “SooC – Water and Love”

  1. Really love the rose. Great picture.

    On the water picture I really like the lens flare in this picture. Would been even more fun with some rally water splash.

  2. I agree, too much sun flare. The polarizer would have helped, as well as maybe a lens hood. It does wash out the rest of the image. Looks like a nice little stream though.

    The rose picture looks good, but I’m not fond of the composition with that vast expanse of black on the right. I’d probably crop all the black out and just make it a portrait orientation, but that’s just me.

    Good luck catching up now!

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