Testing Services Request Instructions

Testing Services is offering testing for self-paced course exams and faculty-approved make-up or ADA exams through scheduled appointments on campus. Appointments are made by selecting your course in Canvas and then choosing “Testing Services Request.”

Testing Services Request – Instructor Guide

Video – Instructor Setup Instructions


Video – Student Registration Tutorial


The following Link can be shared with students for video above:


New Student Procedures for Approved Testing Accommodations

We want to make sure that every student with an approved testing accommodation is aware of some changes required by JCCC Testing Services.

1. Extended Test Time with your Professor

Some faculty have chosen to proctor exams for students who have approved accommodations.  Please talk to your professor before your first exam to see whether you will test with your professor or schedule your exam in the Testing Center.

2. Course Tests Proctored through Testing Service

These steps are for all students who are taking course exams through Testing Services, whether in a private room or in the Testing Lab.

Important to Remember:

  • You must schedule your exam a minimum of 48 hours before the exam day/time.
  • You will not be able to sign-up for the exam until your exam is delivered to Testing Services by your professor.

If you run into ANY issues, please contact your Access Advisor or email accessservices@jccc.edu.

  1. Log into Canvas
  2. Choose your Course
  3. Choose: “Testing Services Request” on the left column
  4. Choose the exam you want to schedule under the approved exam(s) listed
  5. Select Accommodations – DO NOT schedule the exam if ANY accommodations you need are missing. Contact Access Services immediately so we can add any approved accommodations that are not on the list.
  6. Choose a date (must be at least 48-hours before exam date)
  7. Choose a time (must be at least 48-hours before exam date)
  8. Verify First Name, Last Name, and JCCC student email address
  9. Review testing requirements (testing requirements, such as photo ID required, no personal items, etc.) and choose “I agree to follow the above guidelines” button.
  10. Enter your JCCC Student ID number
  11. Choose “Add to Cart”
  12. Choose “Complete Registration”


  • Additional Time for Canvas Quizzes is separate from request
  • If you don’t see an accommodation you need, DO NOT SIGN UP for the test.
  • Only choose the accommodations that were approved for the course. If you don’t remember, open your myAccess account to review course approved accommodations.
  • If your test isn’t available to schedule, email your professor asap and contact Access Services if you need any assistance.
  • Reach out to Access Services with any questions or concerns.
  • Email Testing Services with any technical questions regarding the sign-up process.