Paul Tebbe and The Sun’s Analemma

When I first started teaching here at JCCC, I taught the General Physics I and II courses and the Physical Science course on occasion. In 1995, I was asked to fill in for a partial semester for Professor Paul Tebbe teaching Astronomy. Talking about astronomy, and especially astrophotography and photometry, with Paul was always a treat for me; his enthusiasm for astronomy was absolutely contagious! I especially enjoyed watching Paul talk to the public during the Evening With the Stars program and seeing his enthusiasm spread throughout his audience.  Paul’s wife, Dr. Anita Tebbe, found and sent to me a video of Paul talking about the analemma plank that’s part of the Galileo’s Garden sculpture back when it was still in the quad next to where the fountain is now.  Paul passed away in the Fall of 2000, but his passion for astronomy can still be seen and felt here at the JCCC campus and our observatory now bears his name in honor of all the hard work he’s done to build the Astronomy program.