Microsoft Teams

Video Tutorials

Getting started with Teams is easy! Here are some quick video tutorials.
Create your JCCC Team

Navigating Teams

Channels in Teams
Apps and Add-Ons for Teams Request Group Training

Team Types

Collaboration Team – Regular long-term working groups for JCCC employees only. Departments, long-standing committees, etc.

Internal Project – Short term (less than 1 year) groups that need collaborative space for JCCC employees only. Hiring committees, RFPs, etc.

External Project – These teams have the ability to add non-JCCC employees via External Channels and require prior authorization to create.

Team Roles

  • Owners
    Team owners manage certain settings for the team. They add and remove members, add guests, change team settings, and handle administrative tasks. There can be multiple owners in a team.
  • Members
    Members are the people in the team. They talk with other team members in conversations. They can view and usually upload and change files. They also do the usual sorts of collaboration that the team owners have permitted.
  • Guests
    Guests are people from outside of your organization that a team owner invites, such as partners or consultants to join the team. Guests have fewer capabilities than team members or team owners, but there’s still a lot they can do.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I create my own Team?
Yes! You can access the Team request in the Teams application top left corner labeled JCCC and request a Team to be created. Teams that need external (non-JCCC members) must be approved first. You can find a video with more information on how to do this above, titled Teams Navigation.
Is it 'Teams' or 'A Team'?
Microsoft isn’t very good at naming things. “A team” is a group of people who share a collaborative space like a department or workgroup. “Teams” is a Microsoft application (web or desktop) where you can access the teams you are in.
What is this Sharegate thing and why am I getting messages about it?
Sharegate is a backend application that allows us to create our own teams inside the Teams application. It is labeled “JCCC” in the upper left corner of your Teams app. You can click on it to 1) request a new team, 2) see which teams you’re in, and 3) see which Sharepoint sites are available to you.