Student Success

PLD Staff Scavenger Hunt 2024

Stop 10/13

Student Success

As Student Development Specialists, we are the front-line staff for JCCC and we are stationed on the 2nd floor of the student center and on the Student Success Center call center, x3803. Any and all students and members of the community come to us for questions about enrollment, class registration, and much more! As enrollment continues to increase, our level of traffic is increasing as well. To help create stronger pathways, our department started a new pilot program this Fall 2023 in which one of our staff members is stationed in the Veterans office and International & Immigrant office for a few hours everyday to be available to assist those students that often have more requirements and concerns than the average domestic student. The goal was to create a centralized experience to prevent the student from having to bounce back and forth between departments for assistance. It has been very successful, and we are looking forward to continuing this resource for students next year!


Now for your next clue!
Saturdays expanded and inclusive transitions – for JCCC this program is an amazing addition.
This immersive program provides an alternative way to gain life skills and knowledge even after a 21st birthday.
Clue #2
Acronym: SEP
Clue #3
Location: COM312