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Emeritus: Professor/Counselor

The Emeritus: Professor/Counselor is to recognize and reward a bargaining unit retiree for outstanding teaching and job performance and service to the college; in particular:

  • The program provides an opportunity for the retiree to continue service to the college after retirement
  • This designation should represent a high honor and not be viewed as an automatic designation for years of service
  • Those individuals receiving the designation should represent JCCC’s best teachers and counselors whose services the college wants to maintain

To apply, please do so immediately before or right after retirement by filling out the application.

Professor/Counselor Emeritus faculty members who accept employment at the college after KPERS retirement are charged with the responsibility to know and to determine the laws, rules, and regulations applicable to KPERS, specifically the earnings limitations which may apply. It shall be the responsibility of the employee to take whatever actions are or may be necessary to obtain whatever benefits the employee may have available under law or may be entitled to by law.