Reporting Assessment Data

Reporting & Using Assessment Results   Assessment results are meant to improve teaching and learning as well as inform planning and decision making. Results of assessment activities can highlight successes such as:  better alignment of the curriculum with desired outcomes; creation of useful rubrics; development of explicit standards and corresponding samples of student work; evidence that students are meeting or exceeding learning expectations. Elements to include in an Assessment Report Things to consider The outcome(s) that was addressed. Is this a department/course level or general education assessment? The type of data that was collected and the timeframe for collection. Was this a pilot or department wide assessment? Was the data collected in Fall or Spring semester or over the course of the academic year?  If sampling was used, how was the sample collected? Who submitted data How many students were used? How were they selected? How was the student work evaluated? Describe the scoring mechanism, rubric, dichotomous responses, scaled responses. Continue reading Reporting Assessment Data