“Story telling is about connecting to other people and helping people to see what you see.” Michael Margolis
I ran across this quote recently as I was looking for some interesting quotes to put into a presentation I was working on. It didn’t fit my presentation, but it did make me think about telling a story.
This past January, the professional development week that precedes the semester at JCCC included a panel of faculty who told their stories of assessment. The panelists were wonderfully candid in sharing insights about their experiences and I was thrilled to hear all the different stories of how assessment had evolved in their disciplines. Unfortunately, not many people attended the session.
I thought the stories the faculty told about their respective assessment journeys were powerful and compelling. So, living in a digital age, I asked the faculty from the panel to come to the studio and tell their stories again – to the camera.
Under the tab above titled “Faculty Assessment Stories” are links to just that—some great stories of assessment from those who have been in the center of the story for their disciplines. I hope you will connect to these featured stories and see what your colleagues see when they reflect on assessment.
Sheri H. Barrett, Ed.D.