Enrollment Instructions for Staff Development Courses

If you know the CRN for the course, follow these easy steps.


Directions to Search and Register for Staff Development Classes

Link to instructions: https://scribehow.com/shared/Enrolling_in_Staff_Development_Course_at_JCCC_Online__VAchxua0SleYcuXz_NqHPQ

Directions to Drop a Staff Development Class

  1. Go to my.jccc.edu and log in.
  2. Click “Student” on the left side
  3. Click “Add/Drop Classes” at the top
  4. Click “Add/Drop Classes” inside Banner
  5. Under “Terms Open for Registration”, choose “Staff Dev 2023-2024”, then click “Continue”
  6. In the bottom right Summary box, under “Action”, click the drop down menu and select “**Web Drop** 100%”
  7. Click “Agree & Submit”


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