Welcome to Staff Development!

Extra Effort Awards – December 18, 2020

Magda Carlos-Trevino, Lead Student Assistant, International & Immigrant Student Services – Nominated by Kim Steinmetz

Magda went above and beyond standard duties for our holiday greeting to students. She helped us prepare a video holiday card to wish students well. The video turned out to be fun to make as a team. It was well edited, prepared, and executed. Thank you, Magda!


Jaya Daniel, Coordinator International & Immigrant Students, International & Immigrant Student Services – Nominated by Kim Steinmetz

Jaya came up with the idea to send a video greeting to students for finals and the holiday! What a wonderful idea to show our students that they are the center of our world and how much we care. Jaya is always thinking of creative ways to engage with our students. It is much appreciated and allows us a creative way to show our passion for our work! Thanks, Jaya!


Rabeh Ghadiri, Office Coordinator, International & Immigrant Students – Nominated by Kim Steinmetz

Rabeh thought we could send a holiday greeting to not just students, but our coworkers as well! We’ve greatly missed engaging with students and staff. This wonderful idea allowed us to send virtual holiday greetings to our colleagues that we so dearly miss and help us feel engaged. JCCC employees are the heart of this organization and so is the desire to connect. Rabeh was able to tap into this cultural value at JCCC! Thank you Rabeh!


Tammie Holmes, Senior Project Manager, Project Management Office – Nominated by Stace Acup

Due to a team member recently having to be out for an extended leave, Tammie stepped up and took over managing several projects for that team member in addition to her own heavy workload. She is an efficient and conscientious worker and we have benefited greatly by her willingness and ability to take on this extra responsibility extending for the last 5 weeks of this year.  Thank you, Tammie.



Rachel Evans, Administrative Assistant Continuing Education Marketing, Continuing Education

Emily Allphin, Creative & Content Department, Creative & Content Department

Kristi Stanley, Marketing Copywriter, Creative & Content Department

Susan Roberts, Digital Support Proofreader, Digital Department

Staci Malone, Coordinator Account Planning CE, Continuing Education

– Nominated by Amy Foster

Thank you all for creating our beautiful JCAE Calendar. As always, it looks wonderful and we have been getting lots of excellent feedback. You rock!


Moving forward, the virtual Extra Effort Awards will be announced bi-weekly.  The virtual Extra Effort Award nomination form can be found at https://blogs.jccc.edu/staffdev/awards/extra-effort/