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JCCC Weight Training

Workout Warm-Up VIDEO

  1. Head up and down
  2. Head side to side
  3. Shrugs
  4. Twists
  5. Swing arms forward
  6. Swing arms backward
  7. Swing arms across
  8. Swing leg out and in
  9. Swing leg in and out
  10. Heels up
  11. Arms out to the side and rotate.
  12. Arms down to the side/Up and down.
  13. Bend over, up, and back with arms.
  14. Lunge with arms overhead. Bring arms down to the side and twist. Switch sides for lunge.
  15. Step forward and bend over/alternate while walking.
  16. Same as #15, but add bring back leg up as you bend over.
  17. Bend over as far as you can. Reach outside left foot, right foot, and then back to middle.

Four-Week Workout Plan VIDEO

Week 1 – Do 3 sets of 12 reps on all exercises
Day 1:
Upright rows — Good Mornings — Shoulder Mobility
High Pull Snatch — Push Press — March
Bent Over Rows — Tricep Extensions — Ab Twist

Day 2:
Overhead Press — Bent Over Rows — Balance Work
Lunges — Swings — Knee-to-Chest
Curls — Tricep Kickbacks — Sit-Ups

Week 2 – Do 3 sets of 12 reps on all exercises
Day 1:
One Arm Bent Row — 45-degree Push Press — Elbow Plank
Goblet Squat — Lunge RDL — Shoulder Mobility
Bent Over Rows — Dips — Mountain Climbers

Day 2:
Push Press — High Pull Row — Hand Plank
Lunges — RDL Shrug — March
Curls — Tricep Kickbacks — Mountain Climbers

Week 3- Same exercises list as Week 1, but do all exercises for 4 sets of 8 reps, with a little heavier weight.

Week 4 – Same exercises list as Week 2, but do all exercises for 4 sets of 8 reps, with a little heavier weight.

Post-workout Stretch VIDEO

  1. Lie on back with arms overhead and legs straight.
  2. Pull knees back to chest.
  3. Right foot in then left foot in.
  4. Sit up and stretch forward.
  5. Legs out stretch to the left and then right.
  6. Stretch to the middle.
  7. Right hand outside left foot, then right foot.
  8. Stretch to the middle with hands to your feet.
  9. Stretch one arm back, then switch to other arm.
  10. Stretch one arm across, then switch to other arm.
  11. Both hands back, and sit up straight.