One-Time CE

One Time Continuing Education Opportunity

Sessions may be taken for either personal or professional development through the JCCC Continuing Education Department or through an off-campus organization event held in the metropolitan Kansas City area. It is available to all JCCC employees once per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).

To apply, fill out the One Time Continuing Education Form and submit to Staff and Organizational Development, GEB 262 Box 46, Applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis; budget for this opportunity is limited.


  • Registration will be submitted by the Staff Development office; no reimbursements will be made
  • Submit a current Individual Development Plan (IDP) with the One Time Continuing Education Form
  • Applicant is responsible for any amount exceeding  the allocation of this award

For additional information, please contact or ext. 7654.