September 27, 2022 – Extra Effort & Team Effort Awards


Zach Taylor, Welding Instructor, Continuing Education – nominated by Molly Salisbury

Zach was recently hired as an instructor for CE. His first class was working with the NCircle welding program this summer. We received news that one of the NCircle graduates was recently able to use what he learned in the welding classes to get a different and higher paying job than he was expecting. This is due to the skills he learned from Zach and the confidence he gained in the course.


Nathan Preston, Lead Enterprise Desktop Engineer/Support, Information Services – nominated by Brad Staupp & Adrian Swan

Nathan Preston is new in his position as the Lead Enterprise Desktop Engineer Support here at JCCC. With the recent CLB remodel project with classrooms re-opening this fall semester, and vacating the SCI building, as well, Nathan has spent quite a bit of time ensuring that everything went smoothly for the start of the semester. The results are proven with record low emergency calls and a successful start of the Fall 2022 semester (which was one of the largest returns to campus in recent years). A very big thanks to Nathan!


Ann Balquist, Admissions Assistant – nominated by Ina Crane

Since Ann started, she has always put in extra effort when needed. She is real team player and someone you can always count on. Especially in these extra busy times for admissions, Ann has stepped up, put in extra hours, and her work is always excellent.


Magda Trevino, Admissions Assistant – nominated by Ina Crane

Magda is an incredible worker who learns remarkably fast. These last few weeks when we have been very busy, Magda has put in extra hours and has helped us tremendously in handling our work load. We are very grateful to have her on our team.


Becky Klinkenborg, Budget Analyst, Financial Services – nominated by Janelle Vogler

Becky has gone above and beyond to assist Dining Services in setting up a new accounting and inventory system. Her knowledge, experience, and time spent has been invaluable. Thank you Becky, we appreciate you!


Georgia Deming, ESL Program Manager, JCAE – nominated by Leslie Dykstra

Georgia has gone above and beyond in August to help sign-up, test, and enroll over 500 ESL students into classes. She did this while enduring significant staffing issues. She has worked every morning and night since August 1 to ensure students are placed correctly in our program.


Mary Thibault, Assistant Program Director, Hiersteiner Child Development Center – nominated by Courtney Hultgren

As HCDC was prepping for the start of fall classes, Mary spent ample time (including some after hours) working on the garden, playgrounds, and maintenance of the building. She trimmed shrubbery, pulled weeds, and most impressively, cleaned the siding to the center. It was very dusty, dirty, and gross and she cleaned it all by hand.


Jaya Daniel, Coordinator, IISS – nominated by Kim Steinmetz

Jaya led orientation and went above and beyond job duties to ensure the event was a success. She managed our online learning platform, organized all of our staff, and supported current students at the busiest time of year. Jaya deserves recognition because she helped students feel welcome, supported, and encouraged during this important transition.

Jaya also led training of a new employee this summer. She went above and beyond what is expected by spending countless hours walking the employee through our processes and procedures. She led with patience, detail, and empathy. It has been wonderful to see Jaya take on a leadership role and coach a newer employee! Well done Jaya!


Ashley Hunter, Supervisor – Customer Relations, Bookstore – nominated by Debbie Brewer, Daisha Holmes & Christal Williams

Ashley is the point of contact in the bookstore for our financial aid students and the KS Promise students. She is always positive and always available for the students and staff. If there is an issue, she will find the answer and make sure the student gets what they need. We could not manage the KS Promise program without Ashley assisting the students with their book purchases!!! We appreciate all she does!

Ashley has been extremely valuable to the Financial Aid Office in the execution of the Kansas Promise Scholarship program. She is excellent at helping issue book vouchers to students and troubleshooting difficult situations. We can always rely on Ashley’s positive attitude and responsiveness when we need it the most. Thank you Ashley!


Eric Elisabeth, Professor, Chemistry – nominated by Christina Wolff

Eric continues to volunteer his time to lead the French table. The community and the students benefit so much from his time. Merci Eric!!!


Helga Dotti-Alvarado, ESL Instructor, JCAE – nominated by Georgia Deming

During our teacher workdays, after testing and orientation but before classes began, the person who was to help 20+ ESL teachers prepare for their first class had a family emergency. Helga stepped in, organized all the files, helped teachers establish class rosters, set up Excel files, check and complete enrollment forms in addition to taking care of her two classes that she needed to prepare.


Amy Foster, Administrative Assistant, JCAE – nominated by Georgia Deming

Amy Foster consistently does everything. In addition to her regular duties, during ESL testing and registration, Amy volunteers to do split shifts in order to help with testing and orientation. Whether that involves traffic control, test proctoring, book selling, or trouble shooting equipment issues, she is always there to help everyone and to ensure program success.


Julie Mulder, West Park Lead Instructor, JCAE – nominated by Leslie Dykstra

Julie works as the lead instructor in the Adult Basic Education/GED program at West Park for JCAE. After a new instructor had to resign the week before classes started due to a family emergency, Julie stepped up and took on an additional class without hesitation. She is currently teaching two classes and managing two other classes at West Park. She has done an excellent job. We are lucky to have her on our team and with our students.


Susan Hoffman, Coordinator, Staff & Organizational Development – nominated by Tambra Wise

Susan coordinated the first employee picnic in years! She ensured there was plenty of fun and games to keep our employees smiling and eating! I have only heard great things about this very special employee event!


Caitlin Murphy, Senior Executive Assistant, President’s Office – nominated by Kim Steinmetz & Kaitlin Krumsick

Caitlin has served in a leadership capacity for Staff Council and has gone above and beyond to serve the college. She was an inaugural member of the HR/Staff Council Sub Committee. She led by organizing the meetings, serving as the unofficial recorder of minutes, and clarifying topics as needed. Caitlin has selflessly led this group and is rotating off soon. We will miss her greatly!


The virtual Extra Effort Award nomination form can be found at






  • Annina Dahlstrom, Integrated Marketing Manager • Strategic Communications & Marketing
  • Christina Seitzinger, Creative Lead/Designer • Strategic Communications & Marketing
  • Julie Neemeyer, Director of Operations • Strategic Communications & Marketing
  • Deanne Belshe, Director of Planning • Strategic Communications & Marketing
  • Christa Byer, Digital Strategist • Strategic Communications & Marketing
  • Stacy Boline, Marketing Copywriter • Strategic Communications & Marketing
  • Molly Baumgardner, Communications Coordinator • Strategic Communications & Marketing
  • Amy Becker, Coordinator of Marketing Projects • Strategic Communications & Marketing
  • Chris Gray, Vice President • Strategic Communications & Marketing
  • Callie Woods, Coordinator of Social Media & Content • Strategic Communications & Marketing
  • Mary Anne Matos, Marketing Automation Specialist • Strategic Communications & Marketing


Nominated by Joy Ginsburg, Executive Director, Foundation

Accomplishment: There are so many accomplishments that I can credit to this team that I’m worried I may miss something, but here goes:

  • Revamped updated website for JCCC Foundation (it looks AMAZING)
  • Updated JCCC Foundation Logo (new look is going to help the Foundation stand out as its own entity while still staying attached to the main brand)
  • Helped set up users and strategy for social media (we have gained lots of followers on LinkedIn and Facebook and we have even purchased ads to increase participation on Lace Up 5k)
  • Created and managed an invitation to scholarship recipients to attend a lunch (resulted in over 200 students attending)
  • Designed the most beautiful and engaging Some Enchanted Evening invitation
  • Open Petal Society (created an online giving page, created marketing materials to help promote the effort and created a new/more impactful form for registration)


Ties in with JCCC Strategic Goal(s):

Engaging the community and helping students feel like they belong and are appreciated. Many of these tools will help us continue to raise funds to support all of the strategic priorities of the college.



  • Amy Culey, Non-Credit Instructor • JCAE
  • Christy Lemanske, Non-Credit Instructor • JCAE
  • Helga Dotti-Alvarado, Non-Credit Instructor • JCAE
  • Kaitlyn McLaughlin, Non-Credit Instructor • JCAE
  • Linda Turbyfill, ESL Lead Instructor • JCAE
  • Michelle Rico, Non-Credit Instructor• JCAE
  • Olivia Chiu-Clevinger, Non-Credit Instructor • JCAE
  • Amber Schrage, Non-Credit Instructor • JCAE
  • Amy Foster, Office Assistant • JCAE
  • Amanda Chung, Non-Credit Instructor • JCAE
  • Diane Mora, Mandatory Training Stipend • JCAE
  • Angie Huber, Program Coordinator • AO-K
  • Becky Sears, Transition Coach • JCAE
  • Jill Sigler, Transition Coach • JCAE
  • Christine Bittel, Non-Credit Instructor • JCAE
  • Janice Blansit, Program Director • JCAE


Nominated by Georgia Deming, Program Manager, English as a Second Language

Accomplishment: In two weeks’ time, we have managed to get 580 ESL students gmail accounts, connected them to Google Classroom, and downloaded several apps. Teachers and staff went to Center of Grace and West Park to assist with this monumental task which puts students on the road to acquiring digital literacy skills.

Ties in with JCCC Strategic Goal(s):  Student Success and Employee Engagement.



  • Shari Blank, Adjunct Faculty • Legal Studies
  • Cindy Harmison, Adjunct Faculty • Legal Studies


Nominated by Gwenda Hawk, Associate Professor, Legal Studies

Accomplishment: Shari and Cindy served on the Legal Studies Department Assessment subcommittee and helped develop a draft of a common rubric to use in our Fall 2022 Paralegal courses to assess students’ writing skills throughout the program. They are also assisting with an additional assessment tool to be piloted in Spring 2023.

Ties in with JCCC Strategic Goal(s):  Student Success, S1: Ensure our models of teaching and learning lead to student success.


The virtual Team Effort Award nomination form can be found at