Extra Effort Awards – September 1, 2021

Karen Koehn, Life Science Lab Coordinator, Science – Nominated by Jennifer Menon Parker

Karen has done an outstanding job organizing and executing the plan for packing, moving, and distribution of lab materials for the human sciences.  Her open lab personnel cleaned as well as sorted models into the various categories prior to the redistribution into either swing space, storage, or surplus.  All inventories were completed well before the projected deadline.  We couldn’t have done it without her.


Glenda Land, Executive Assistant, Human Resources – Nominated by Susan Hoffman

We are so lucky to have Glenda on the HR team!  She started at JCCC in June and stepped up to help the Staff Development & Training area organize the communication logistics for the Fall Service Pin Award Celebration.  That sounds easy enough, but it’s really an ongoing communication with over 275 JCCC employees.  Glenda’s welcoming communication style and professionalism made employee’s feel comfortable in attending the first “in-person” Service Pin Celebration in over a year.  Thank you, Glenda for your Extra Effort!


Jeff Mayo, Sr. Systems Engineer, Network & Data Center Operations – Nominated by Derrick Lane

Jeff regularly goes out of his way to support the IT Security Office, oftentimes with very short notice. Also, for his work in developing and implementing key components to automate the Minfraud security output tool.


James Trezvant, Housekeeping Warehouser, Housekeeping Services – Nominated by Leslie Dykstra

James has been amazing this summer with all the moving we have done at West Park and Antioch. We have struggled with making sure we have all our requests written and submitted correctly and James has picked up where we struggled and helped us manage getting all the correct furniture to the correct places and on time. James always arrives with a smile on his face and willing spirit to help. We wouldn’t be prepared for our students this fall if it wasn’t for James.


Julie Mulder, Adult Education & Literacy

Traci Jensen, Adult Education & Literacy

Michelle Elwood, Adult Education & Literacy

Margery Downey, Adult Education & Literacy

Connie Berggren, Adult Education & Literacy

– Nominated by Leslie Dykstra

The ABE/GED & EC Lead Instructors have done an incredible job of welcoming over 200 new students to JCAE’s program. Greeting each student with a warm welcome, encouraging smile and determination to see them through to their goals. On-Boarding is a long, and detailed process with many opportunities for errors, however, the Lead Instructors didn’t let one thing slip through the cracks. They were prepared and ready for each new task and handled it beautifully.


CE Registration Team:

Teresa Schmitz, Supervisor Registration Specialist, Continuing Education Operations

Susan Elliott, Lead Registration Specialist, Continuing Education Operations

Jared Anderson, Registration Specialist, Continuing Education Operations

Jill Carr, Registration Specialist, Continuing Education Operations

– Nominated by Leslie Dykstra

The CE Registration team helped JCAE ABE/GED students register for ABE/GED classes through phone-in registration. The team met with Leslie Dykstra, ABE/GED Program Coordinator prior to registration and reviewed and problem-solved through previous issues, they greeted students on the phone and registered them, as well as stayed in constant communication with Leslie to handle any problems. The team then followed-up to make sure every students’ needs were met. They did an amazing job and helped 178 students register for classes.


During the Fall 2021 semester, the virtual Extra Effort Awards will be announced monthly.  The virtual Extra Effort Award nomination form can be found at https://blogs.jccc.edu/staffdev/awards/extra-effort/